What film did you watch last night?

A couple of films this week:

Gods of Egypt - 7/10

A dumb fantasy film that was enjoyable and Butler didn't ruin it with his performance.

Xmen: Apocalypse - 7.5/10

Worse than First Class and DoFP, but not bad at all. My expectations were really low due to the trailers, however I was pleasantly surprised. It did have a few problems though.

A Hologram for the King - 7.5/10

Nothing much to say but I enjoyed watching this. i'll probably watch it again with some friends next week.
Triple 9

Great cast and performances. Started off very good but about half way through I began to get bored. In the end I just didn't care what happened to the characters and saw most things coming a mile off.

A mediocre 5/10 from me.
10 Cloverfield Lane - 7/10

Hmm, was alright. Didn't really see the relevance of his daughter and the missing girl though. So he was just a weird kidnapper guy but at the same time it was actually beneficial for her to be kidnapped due to random aliens suddenly playing a visit? Okay, I guess. :p


Agree with your spoiler as well!
Midnight Run. De Niro, Grodin, et al. Charles Grodin steals it easily.

funny, coz he plays a guy who steals from the mob. k. not that funny.
It Follows.

I like this concept for a film. Very good 8/10.

Would have liked a little more clarification concerning the ending, though.
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Crank 2: High voltage

The original Crank was a good film. A high adrenalin action movie with an interesting premise, non-stop action, and a sense of humour. This is an absurd self-parody of the original which isn't sure what it wants to be; too silly to be a decent action movie but not funny enough to be a genuine parody it ends up missing the target horribly.

xmen: apocalypse - 7/10 - pretty good and not as bad as some reviews said. Had problems though like other people have said. Still, better than BvS.
10 Cloverfield Lane - 7/10

Hmm, was alright. Didn't really see the relevance of his daughter and the missing girl though. So he was just a weird kidnapper guy but at the same time it was actually beneficial for her to be kidnapped due to random aliens suddenly playing a visit? Okay, I guess. :p

I think it was used as a plot device to get her to leave. If she didn't see that then why would she bother? She was relatively safe in there.
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich.

Recently reread the book that i originally read in the seventies.
Pretty grim film about a russian soldier in ww2 captured by the germans and then when released after the war gets another 10 years in siberia ,
The film is a very good adaptation of the book well worth watching .
Tried for ages to find it on dvd but it only came out on vhs eventually found it on youtube last night.
Trainwreck 4/10

Watched it with the mrs, I mean it was ok but that was it. Felt like there were just big jumps in the story at times.
X-Men: Apocalypse

I avoided all trailers and reviews, going in with an optimistic mind given I enjoyed First Class and DoFP.

Really couldn't get on with this. Only Last Stand was worse for me. Such a shame.

4/10 really wish I hadn't shelled out for the premium screen at the Leicester Square Vue :(
Last night's flying entertainment included:
5th Wave - 4/10 I feel even that is generous.
Deadpool - 9/10 Fortunately I watched this after the aforementioned and my faith in films restored. Excellent. Ryan Reynolds is hilarious. And as for Morena Baccarin, ooh la la!!
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi 6.5/10

Not sure what way to rate this movie. It's pretty bad in places, but, it's Star Wars!!

I've probably seen Jedi near 100 times (I'm really old), whereas I got bored with Force Awakens on the second viewing when I got the DVD. It's a funny old game.
I've probably seen Jedi near 100 times (I'm really old), whereas I got bored with Force Awakens on the second viewing when I got the DVD. It's a funny old game.

yes it is a funny old world :p Nah, I just thought Jedi was strange. So many cheesy moments, Jedi powers seemed to be so random, and the Ewoks? really? Just seemed really disjointed from the first two.
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