What film did you watch last night?


The budget for a film runs to tens of millions of dollars, why not blow a whole couple of grand on asking a scientist whether what you have characters saying will make you look utterly retarded? "Mutating neutrinos"? Yuk. This is a bad, bad movie from start to finish, although the middle section is rescued by the sheer spectacle and absurdity of its badness, the film is overly long and completely stupid. If you must watch it, get very, very drunk first.

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Our Kind Of Traitor (2016) - 4/10

A relatively by the numbers spy thriller with little to recommend beyond functional.
Good scenery and build-up of tension at times, but the plot is unremarkable and the pacing is plodding.
The characters are both typical and atypical in the genre and although some depth was added to them, more needed to be done.

I wouldn't go as far as giving it a 4, but i'd say 6/10.

It actually would be higher if it wasn't for the fact the ending felt so disjointed and much like an afterthought it almost ruined the whole experience which was on the whole quite enjoyable despite being fairly generic.

I rate Stellan Skarsgård pretty highly and he was very good again in my opinion (can never remember his bloody name though)
Persona - 1966 Swedish odd and quite unsettling account of a young nurse and the lady she is looking after spending a summer at the beach. It starts with some very unsettling images and continues on with a story where you are never sure what is going to happen next. I have read that some say it is the best film ever made, I don't think it is but it held me spellbound for 85 minutes. 4/5
Nice Guys

Crowe and Gosling were excellent together in this. Not usually a fan of Gosling but he's very good in this. There are quite a few laugh out loud bits. I preferred Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, a similar movie also by Shane Black. But I would say this is a lot funnier, more comedic.

I'll give it a good 7.5/10.
The Assassin (Hou Hsiao-hsien). Certainly not a film for everyone, esp. if you're expecting a martial arts action film, which this could not be further from. A film for those who love the image as much as the plot (which is sparse and confusing) as each and every shot is a masterpiece. Its not a long film, so the technique of long, lingering takes does not outstay its welcome... I could have watched it again straight away.

A mesmerising 9/10.
Gods of Egypt. Hilariously awful, with the worst abuse of CGI since the 1994 remake of My Mate was Late with the Paper Ape. We are asked to believe that ancient Egypt was entirely populated by English speaking white Europeans and a handful of blacks. :confused:

Legitimate criticisms of this movie could fill several hundred pages.

Concept is rubbish, but a few scenes in particular pushed it to being bloody enjoyable for me.

Please tell me you fast forwarded to some of them?

I got past the elephant bit, turned it off after that.

I'm not a fan of toilet humour at all, just doesn't do it for me. Thought it was a load of crap tbh.
Money Monster

It's a tight fast pace thriller, good acting throughout from the Clooney and Roberts and notably the "villain" but forgettable as a movie I think. It feels like a TV episode or TV movie than a big movie. It entertaining though if a little silly and some plot twist are a little too convenient.

Casino - the classic pairing of De Niro and Scorsese work well in this tale of the mob and Las Vegas casinos in the late '70s early 80's. It was a good film indeed but most of the characters were so devoid of any redeeming qualities it was hard to care. Joe Pesci did a fine job (again) as an angry little man. 3/5
3/5 seems a bit low! But yeah, it is wall to wall horrible. Goodfellas is a better film. Goodfellas may be the best film ever, as it goes.

On a far smaller scale, Croupier is a good film from back in the day.

I watched The King's Speech. Great performances from the two leads. It's also one of very few films in which Helena Bonham Carter doesn't wind me up.
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The Heat 7/10
I'm starting to like Melissa McCarthy more and more,

I would like her to start in a movie with a make counter part of the same level, I cant think of many at the moment maybe Ryan Reynolds, Marlon Wayans, Dwayne Johnson
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