What film did you watch last night?

13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi. Michael Bay is famous for his superbly accurate war films, and this documentary style retelling of the Benghazi siege will go down in history as the finest work he ever produced.

The story is as follows...

US Ambassador Chris Stevens was sent to Libya, which is where the Muslims come from. He did whatever ambassadors do, and apparently did it well.

Concerns were raised about poor security at the consulate and the nearby CIA outpost due to years of neglect under George Bush. Barack Obama's repeated attempts to improve defences at both sites were constantly blocked in the Senate by hostile Republicans, who claimed it was a waste of money at a time when the USA should be completely withdrawing from Libya.

In the second week of September 2012, CIA agents noticed that the Muslims were even more angry and unpleasant than usual for that time of year. The head of the CIA compound was in a chronic state of denial, refusing to believe what his eyes and ears were clearly telling him.

Minutes before the consulate came under attack, its security detail—a bunch of poorly trained Muslims with a random assortment of firearms—fled into the night like bitches on heat. Moments later, the consulate was crawling with Muslims. There were hundreds, possibly thousands of them. Some say millions. Muslims always move in large numbers.

The consulate contacted the CIA compound for help. A crack team of CIA guys—known today as 'Obama's Heroes'—volunteered to rescue Stevens and his bodyguards, but the CIA chief refused to let them go. (In the film he repeatedly orders them to 'stand down' on his own authority. Eventually he contacts the White House to inform POTUS, by which time the consulate is on fire).

The Muslims tore the consulate apart in a furious search for the Americans, screaming and chattering in that language they speak, which sounds like a donkey fellating a camel. Chris Stevens took shelter in a safe room with his bodyguards, but they were eventually smoked out by the Muslims.

Stumbling through smoke filled rooms, Stevens was separated from the others and later died in hospital from smoke inhalation. His bodyguards were massacred by the Muslims.

Under pressure from Obama and Clinton, the CIA chief finally agreed to let his super-troops attack the Muslims. Sadly they arrived too late to save their fellow Americans, but they did manage to escape with a bunch of old typewriters and other secret consulate stuff, which they successfully saved from the Muslims.

The CIA troops battled their way back to the CIA compound, fighting off hordes of screaming Muslims in every street. The Muslims switched their attention from the consulate to the compound and hit it with every kind of Muslim weapon imaginable (e.g. AK47s, RPGs, mortars, etc.) The CIA troops fought back, killing many Muslims. This went on for 13 hours (hence the title of the film).

By dawn the compound was littered with bullet cases, dirt, debris, and the corpses of Muslims. Some Americans had died as well. Humiliated, the few remaining Muslims ran away.

Another bunch of Muslims arrived—but these were good ones, imported from Tripoli. They had been trained to defend Americans, and successfully rescued the survivors at the CIA compound. Everyone went home, including the rogue CIA chief who had issued the 'stand down' order in defiance of his government.

It was a good film. I learned a lot about the Muslims.

Approaching the Unknown
a very confused and poor film, think the only thing which went through the writers/directors(same person) mind was jump on the mars bandwagon and make some money.

I was very disappointed with this film as I'm normally a big fan of the non-mainstream sci-fi movies but this one was just bad.

Very disjointed and didn't feel like there was any real plot or intention behind it.

Reminded me of a low budget film from a few years ago, Astronaut: The Last Push (2012), which managed to put across the whole loneliness and human drive aspect much better than this pile of rubbish.
I cannot get over people had marriages over that game. Including in-game versions.

The wife used to play the first Everquest - now that was a weird community. People married and took the same surname in game, including a full wedding service and reception afterwards. Proper weird :eek:
The Revenant - 3/5

Never watched this film before so I was expecting a lot after hearing so many good things and it got just about everything spot on.

Dicaprio and Hardy were both amazing, the cinematography was breathtaking and the CGI, especially Glass getting owned by the bear, was outstanding.

The only thing I thought they got wrong was the pacing which I found mind numbingly slow. So slow I actually lost interest on more than one occasion which ultimately ruined the experience for me.
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Crash. Not the car sex one, the Paul Haggis racism one. It's patchy. It's got some good bits, and I like the cast, but it's contrived and emotionally manipulative and it lays it on really thick at times. I think it could do more with less, like if it properly examined some bits of it, like Terrence Howard having his car stolen by Ludacris in spite of Ludacris' credo of not robbing black people, or Thandie Newton being rescued by Matt Dillon after he's sexually assaulted her, and whether she can forgive him or whether his good acts redeem him of his bad ones. As it is, it's superficial. It gives lots of little glimpses at these incidents and you go "Huh, that's interesting" but it doesn't properly explore things. There's probably better films out there that pick apart a single story that only appears as a single thread in this.

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Me before You

I am really taking advantage of the Odeon Limitless, watching films like this which I would normally would not see at the cinema.

This isn't a new story, a healthy person falls in love with a sick person and this movie hits all the right notes, it has its ups and downs, and for a lot of girls it is a real tear jerker. I would say this is a pretty decent movie. 7/10.

Emilia Clarke is really good as Louisa.
12 Years A Slave. 7/10

I was going to give this movie a 6.5 out of 10, but on balance it's a bit better than that rating. It's good movie, but, it's so slow. Too many meaningless staring off into space scenes. For me these scenes were so long and drawn out that I kept losing my emotional attachment to the film and was like, oh come on, move on already.

It could have been a brilliant movie, it had all the parts to be a classic. Instead it was just a good movie.
Deep Rising. In the process of clearing out my old DVDs I came across this and couldn’t resist throwing it on. I love this film. I’m an absolute sucker for monster movies and this one delivers. Action packed, more cheese than an Edam factory, Famke Janssen, hot lezzie kissing, ludicrous deaths, etc etc.
I so desperately want to know the story behind the other creature on the island at the end. :)
Awesome / 10
Deep Rising. In the process of clearing out my old DVDs I came across this and couldn’t resist throwing it on. I love this film. I’m an absolute sucker for monster movies and this one delivers. Action packed, more cheese than an Edam factory, Famke Janssen, hot lezzie kissing, ludicrous deaths, etc etc.
I so desperately want to know the story behind the other creature on the island at the end. :)
Awesome / 10

A guilty pleasure :p I enjoyed this movie too.
Stupidly long titled new Batman/Superman film.

Very poor. It felt really disjointed to the point where it almost made it hard to follow. How ridiculous, a superhero movie that's hard to follow. I didn't think that was possible.

The last half hour was the worst. I think the producers came to the conclusion that the more money they threw at it for flashing yellow special effects, the better it would be. That didn't work out, I couldn't wait for it to end. At times, I was finding it very hard not to go on my iPad instead. It was just really bad IMO. Please make the Justice League one better, although I won't get my hopes up. Just a 4/10 for me and that's mainly just for having batman and superman in the same film.
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Deep Rising. In the process of clearing out my old DVDs I came across this and couldn’t resist throwing it on. I love this film. I’m an absolute sucker for monster movies and this one delivers. Action packed, more cheese than an Edam factory, Famke Janssen, hot lezzie kissing, ludicrous deaths, etc etc.
I so desperately want to know the story behind the other creature on the island at the end. :)
Awesome / 10

Lezzie Kissing, don't remember that bit???
youtu.be/DNdT2g65H3M 7:00 minutes in. It's quick but I'm eagle-eyed. :D

Note that I do not condone the uploading of entire movies to Youtube, this link just helped me show the part in question.
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