What film did you watch last night?

If you are not into moon, you probably just don't know a great movie when you've seen it.
Let's come back in 15-20 years time and see where it's contemporaries are.
Agreed. It's terrifying, really scary. It's just horrific to think you could have a child like that and be literally unable to control them or do anything with them.
I agree with Sixtwosix, would quite happily never see it again not because it's bad but because it's completely emotionally draining and for me any film that has such an emotional impact is the hallmark of a great film. Utterly destroying.
The Autopsy Of Jane Doe, meh; 5/10 and that was being generous. Brian Cox is a great actor, shame to see him in such drivel.

Trespass Against Us, superb 9/10. Brendan Gleeson and Michael Fassbender in a ***** romp set in Gloucestershire, also had Sean Harris in it, good flick thoroughly enjoyed it.
Second half of Titanic. Definitely the better half. The only decent things in the first half are Winslet's boobs and that Irish guy saying "You'd be as like to have angels fly out of our arse as to get next to the likes of her" which is funny enough that I can remember it without looking it up.

You could say I missed half the film... "Not the better half."
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The Running Man - 8/10

80s Arnie cheesefest ... the intro was shocking though ...

"By 2017 the world economy has collapsed. Food, natural resources and oil are in short supply. A police state, divided into paramilitary zones, rules with an iron hand."

Always been one of my favourites...thinking about it, I'd really be up for a remake.It could be epic!
Rogue One -- 4/10

I'm one with the farce, and the farce is with me. :D

Whoever did the cutting on this chopped the plot up badly, imho, though I could just about live with the pacing. The film is jumpy, rushed and without much emotional impact -- a Dam Busters for manchildren. Also -- lore jamming, again, with a CGI Peter Cushing taking the biscuit. On the other hand, the visual effects did not disappoint. The music was so so. As is always the case with made up names in the franchise, the actors tended to butcher them given the slightest chance -- a personal pet peeve. :p

K2-SO was the boss, but other characters less so, and I had largely stopped caring about them halfway through. The old mentor figure, as portrayed by Donnie Yen, occupied a particularly awkward purgatory between tokenism and plain bad writing. (Ip Man in space had so much potential!) The other mentor bloke got nerfed without much exposition. I couldn't really tell whether this was a comedy of errors or good intentions. Either way, if you consume the franchise like crack, you'll enjoy this; else, stay away.
Second half of Titanic. Definitely the better half. The only decent things in the first half are Winslet's boobs and that Irish guy saying "You'd be as like to have angels fly out of our arse as to get next to the likes of her" which is funny enough that I can remember it without looking it up.

You could say I missed half the film... "Not the better half."

One way to look at it is: The theatrical version, is actually the director's cut. You've just watched what should be the standard cut. ;)
If they took it in a dark and sinister direction like the rebooted Total Recall or Dredd then yeah - you cant remake the fun factor and cheese though :D

Oh definitely. All of the cheesiness is very 80s. A more serious version could be really great.

... The remake of Total Recall is appalling though, so not sure I'd use that as inspiration!
Oh definitely. All of the cheesiness is very 80s. A more serious version could be really great.

... The remake of Total Recall is appalling though, so not sure I'd use that as inspiration!

I thought it was very good - not compared at all to the previous film but as a stand alone ... and get Kate Beckinsale's arse .... mmm
Rogue One -- 4/10

I'm one with the farce, and the farce is with me. :D

Whoever did the cutting on this chopped the plot up badly, imho, though I could just about live with the pacing. The film is jumpy, rushed and without much emotional impact -- a Dam Busters for manchildren. Also -- lore jamming, again, with a CGI Peter Cushing taking the biscuit. On the other hand, the visual effects did not disappoint. The music was so so. As is always the case with made up names in the franchise, the actors tended to butcher them given the slightest chance -- a personal pet peeve. :p

K2-SO was the boss, but other characters less so, and I had largely stopped caring about them halfway through. The old mentor figure, as portrayed by Donnie Yen, occupied a particularly awkward purgatory between tokenism and plain bad writing. (Ip Man in space had so much potential!) The other mentor bloke got nerfed without much exposition. I couldn't really tell whether this was a comedy of errors or good intentions. Either way, if you consume the franchise like crack, you'll enjoy this; else, stay away.

A quick review of a review:
Strident opening mocking the dialogue of a star wars film.
Near tangible point about slower pacing than other Star Wars movies.
Using the word "Manchildren" really? Especially when linking Rogue One to the Dam Busters. It's widely known that the original screening (to other directors who similarly to your review lambasted Lucas for the first film's early cut) actually included WWII film footage, that along with storm troopers and numerous other cultural examples makes calling any star wars film *insert WWII movie name* for Manchildren pretty much an idiotic waste of words. By the time you get to fair criticism of poor use of moff tarkin (and weak CGI) or the indifferent score, it's become difficult to take your points seriously (that said, on those two points only, I agree).

Rogue One unfortunately isn't the Dam busters for manchildren, or the great escape, bridge over the river Kwai, Kelly's Hero's, Where Eagles Dare, Das Boot, The Eagle Has Landed or any other classic WWII movie.

What it is, is a Star Wars movie with an emphasis on War and despite it's missteps, I'd argue it easily eclipses other Star Wars movies Bar the Original and Empire Strikes back. Considering the drop in quality from those two, to the others, that isn't great praise. However 4/10 is simply silly, especially after 2016's year of Cinema Blockbuster Garbage I just sat through.
A quick review of a review:
Strident opening mocking the dialogue of a star wars film.
Near tangible point about slower pacing than other Star Wars movies.
Using the word "Manchildren" really? Especially when linking Rogue One to the Dam Busters. It's widely known that the original screening (to other directors who similarly to your review lambasted Lucas for the first film's early cut) actually included WWII film footage, that along with storm troopers and numerous other cultural examples makes calling any star wars film *insert WWII movie name* for Manchildren pretty much an idiotic waste of words. By the time you get to fair criticism of poor use of moff tarkin (and weak CGI) or the indifferent score, it's become difficult to take your points seriously (that said, on those two points only, I agree).

Rogue One unfortunately isn't the Dam busters for manchildren, or the great escape, bridge over the river Kwai, Kelly's Hero's, Where Eagles Dare, Das Boot, The Eagle Has Landed or any other classic WWII movie.

What it is, is a Star Wars movie with an emphasis on War and despite it's missteps, I'd argue it easily eclipses other Star Wars movies Bar the Original and Empire Strikes back. Considering the drop in quality from those two, to the others, that isn't great praise. However 4/10 is simply silly, especially after 2016's year of Cinema Blockbuster Garbage I just sat through.

A pastiche of a pastiche deserves no higher. I could give it a fan score, or treat it as just another action film in space, but that would be as pointless as your time spent on blockbuster garbage this year. :p
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