What film did you watch last night?

Lol I saw LA la land at a hidden preview screening. At first I was gutted, I'd paid to see a freaking musical, but the same as Raymond Lin after ten minutes I was just loving it smiling.

If it doesn't mop up the Oscars, I'll eat my tap shoes.
Lol I saw LA la land at a hidden preview screening. At first I was gutted, I'd paid to see a freaking musical, but the same as Raymond Lin after ten minutes I was just loving it smiling.

If it doesn't mop up the Oscars, I'll eat my tap shoes.

I even bought the god damn soundtrack because that piano song is stuck in my head.

I might even like jazz now!

(Apparently it won every category it was nominated for in the golden globes)
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Assassins Creed - As a big fan of the games, I went into this quite afraid. Came out with a "Meh, not bad" look on my face.

Modern day storyline was sound and done well enough given it was the first film of it's type. The ancestral storyline with the Spanish Inquisition was an absolute visual mess. The scenes are plagued by a fog of war/cloudy look to it and there are way too many combat cuts for it to be remotely watchable. There's just so much fog of bore everywhere.

Since most of the film takes place in the modern world, we learn very little of the two main assassin characters. I feel that the films will get better if the subsequent sequels do happen.

Jason Bourne.

What a load of rubbish.

I loved the trilogy and that's where they should have left it IMO.

Alicia Vikander's accent, WTF, so annoying.

miss peregrine's home for peculiar children - 7.5/10.

Really enjoyed this and the effects were excellent. I can see why it is a PG-13, quite scary in some places.

I don't know why it hasn't done that well.
The girl with all the gifts (reference to pandoras box)

Slightly different take on the zombie apocalypse genre. Pretty good film i would have to say. One of the best zombie movies you will see in quite some time. The acting at some parts was a bit dodgy (Sennia is quite brilliant though and carries the film a tad) but the story was pretty good imo and i quite liked the ending...makes you think. Also is worthwhile after you have seen it to read the Epilogue (from the book) if you are curious as to how things turn out. Better than 28 days later imho.

9/10 as a zombie film.
I haven't read the book, but was interested from the trailer - i love the zombie genre even though it is now well and truly saturated.

However, all the comments i read is that TGWATG is "boring" and the ending "crap" - so this put me off. However, after your review i'm hyped again!
Well i liked the ending because it was different. This zombie film is an alternative take on a saturated genre thats what interested me.

You wont regret it :D
It Follows - 9/10. Haven't seen a decent horror movie in a while and although this one wasn't hugely creepy or jumpy compared to some of my favourites, it had a great sense of tension thanks to the moody atmosphere and cinematography. Great soundtrack too, I did wonder why the music reminded me of the game Fez until I saw Disasterpiece mentioned in the credits.
The Martian - 6/10

In a similar vein to Gravity, it just gets more and more ridiculous until you can suspend disbelief no longer. The acting was also notable for being terrible in places. Possibly because the cast is too big, with certain characters fighting for scraps of screen time. Could have shrunk the cast and lost some scenes and it wouldn't have mattered a jot (Sean Bean I'm looking at you...)

The Revenant - 8/10

Mostly gripping, but again the odd moments of utter incredulity. Pretty grim tho in places. Took a beak half-way through as it was not an easy movie to get through.
The Martian - 6/10

In a similar vein to Gravity, it just gets more and more ridiculous until you can suspend disbelief no longer. The acting was also notable for being terrible in places. Possibly because the cast is too big, with certain characters fighting for scraps of screen time. Could have shrunk the cast and lost some scenes and it wouldn't have mattered a jot (Sean Bean I'm looking at you...)

The Revenant - 8/10

Mostly gripping, but again the odd moments of utter incredulity. Pretty grim tho in places. Took a beak half-way through as it was not an easy movie to get through.

A break from what exactly?
I haven't read the book, but was interested from the trailer - i love the zombie genre even though it is now well and truly saturated.

However, all the comments i read is that TGWATG is "boring" and the ending "crap" - so this put me off. However, after your review i'm hyped again!

I was somewhere in the middle, good but flawed imho.
A break from what exactly?

The movie, he couldn't stand it.

The only movie where i had to pause to take a breather was the last scene in Audition (Korean film). You know the one i mean if you have seen it. The needle and those cutting wire and the noise effect it made made me cringe. And I can watch Hostel and Saw without hesitation.
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