What film did you watch last night?

I read it this evening, and while it isn't perfect, it certainly poops all over what we got with Prometheus.
I reckon most people would've been happy enough with it.

Yeah, my statement of excellent was measuring it against Prometheus...and i'm an Alien fanboy.

They all chest bursted in the script I read today. Is there another one flying around?

You know what, I might be mis-remembering between Spaihts script and some of the Prometheus concept art that was flying about before it went into production, my bad.
Actually, there's something like 5 Spaihts rewrites before Lindelof got his grubby mitts on it.
It could be in one of them at least, and you're not the first I've heard mention the back burster thing as being a ditched Prometheus concept.

Gonna have a read of this one later on today FWIW. From a brief scan, it starts differently at least.
I think this was a rewrite of the Engineers script.
Depressing film week!

Collateral Beauty - Enjoyed it, "twist" a bit obvious, not really a spoiler but I was hoping for more of a setup/role reversal between the characters with the way the start felt a bit set up, but it wouldn't really fit in with the story.

A Monster Calls - Beautiful film. Rustling popcorn bags were replaced with rustling handbags with people trying to find a tissue to hide their tears. Liam Neeson stars as a talking tree but isn't called Groot.

Assassin's Creed - Felt more depressed after watching this than the other two. Concept is fine but the story was pants and had more holes than a gamer playing with a wallhack.
The original script "Alien: Engineers" script by Jon Spaihts is excellent and full on Alien-esque, try and find it online and have a read.

Unfortunately Scott decided to alter the course of the movie mid-production and turn it into a non Alien movie in the Alienverse, cue Damon Lindelof and the hack job we now know as Prometheus.

Wow - Didnt know that and reading the script it looked amazing! What an absolute huge mistake in my opinion. Prometheus was "disappointing" to say the least.
last night I watched The Fellowship of the Ring, the extended version.. Started with it due to seeing one of the battle scenes from the last movie in another topic here and realised I haven't seen those movies in maybe 10 years, so of I went :D

I watched War horse the other night. It didn't give me the feels like the previous viewings.:( Still a good film but only one little tiny thing that bugged me. Upon reading about it on IMDB the film only used 3 instances of CGI and they lasted 3 seconds, something about the safety of the horses. Ok fair enough. But the thing that bugged me was the use or over use of the light reflectors to light up scenes where the natural light is behind the actors. There were plenty of scenes where the artificial light really looked as though it was forced. this might not make sense to you but you may notice it if you viewed the film again.

Anyway. The quote I quoted. :p

I have the evening to my self tonight. Tea nearly done, some beer, son about to go to bed and after seeing this post the other day I thought, Yeah I'll rewatch them. Then I thought, actually I will watch the bonus blurays, the making off etc. they are so full of info it's ridiculous. probably prefer those over the actual movies. Obviously I will watch them in order from the first making of chapter and auto play them. In for a treat tonight then I think once they are all done from the Fellowship I will watch the Fellowship its self. Repeat for the other two.
Passengers (2017) 7/10

Originally I was excited when I saw the first trailer, then when I saw the reviews I was kinda meh about it.

Had low expectations when I went into this movie, and I liked it.

My missus said the first half was slow with the character development, but actually I felt the action sequence in the end got in the way of the better stuff.

Enjoyed it.....but kinda wish the ending was a little bit better, with a little more information on what happened next.
Terminator Genysis - 2/10

One of two things - the bird of GoT with dark hair has a lovely bottom.

The little joke about her height tucked into the film. That raised a smile.

The rest of it was a bit pants - and this is coming from someone who genuinely likes Rise of the Machines.
Second viewing of La La Land. God, that last 15 minutes...

As someone who does't like Jazz drumming but loved Whiplash, generally doesn't enjoy musicals but likes Rocky Horror, Moulin Rouge and Sweeney Todd...would I like this?

I also have an irrational dislike of Gosling but really like Stone.

I just keep thinking that it's won so many awards and been nominated for so many more...i should watch it.
Deepwater Horizon

I know it's a true story and people tragically lost their lives, but the movie meh.

I mean I wasn't expecting much, there's only so much you can do when the set is an oil rig, but I was just thinking throughout that they've just made this for the sake of making it and before another studio does it.

As someone who does't like Jazz drumming but loved Whiplash, generally doesn't enjoy musicals but likes Rocky Horror, Moulin Rouge and Sweeney Todd...would I like this?

I also have an irrational dislike of Gosling but really like Stone.

I just keep thinking that it's won so many awards and been nominated for so many more...i should watch it.

I don't really either, but I've had the OST on repeat for God knows how long and and absolutely love it; it's on Spotify if you want to get a taste of it. As I say the last 15 minutes are heartbreaking but beautiful to look at.

For me anyway it just takes you on a journey where you forget about all the stuff going on in the world and come out afterwards feeling this real sense of euphoria. Can't remember the last time I had a similar feeling from a film.
For me anyway it just takes you on a journey where you forget about all the stuff going on in the world and come out afterwards feeling this real sense of euphoria. Can't remember the last time I had a similar feeling from a film.

Sold...would be nice to get some real escapism right now :D
I, Daniel Blake (2016) 7/10

Heard a lot of good things about this movie, and for what the film is trying to achieve, it does it well...but my god is it depressing.

This film could single handedly sort out the UKs immigration surplus with such a miserable view of modern Britain.
As someone who does't like Jazz drumming but loved Whiplash, generally doesn't enjoy musicals but likes Rocky Horror, Moulin Rouge and Sweeney Todd...would I like this?

I also have an irrational dislike of Gosling but really like Stone.

I just keep thinking that it's won so many awards and been nominated for so many more...i should watch it.

Interesting, usually when I see a film win loads of rewards I tend to shy away from it. My tastes tend not to go the same way as these voters it seems. I prefer mindless trash that gets scoffed at. In general a film that wins an Oscar usually translates to 'avoid at all costs' for me :)
Interesting, usually when I see a film win loads of rewards I tend to shy away from it. My tastes tend not to go the same way as these voters it seems. I prefer mindless trash that gets scoffed at. In general a film that wins an Oscar usually translates to 'avoid at all costs' for me :)

I won't shy away from any movie because it wins awards as all that will achieve is missing out on some genuinely great movies.

I generally also won't watch movies only because of awards, however with this, it's from the same director as Whiplash so it's caught my attention. On top of that it seems to be universally praised so willing to give it a go.
Interesting, usually when I see a film win loads of rewards I tend to shy away from it. My tastes tend not to go the same way as these voters it seems. I prefer mindless trash that gets scoffed at. In general a film that wins an Oscar usually translates to 'avoid at all costs' for me :)
That's probably more likely because 75% of awards films are generally quite depressing, heartbreaking etc. My girlfriend is the same.

La La Land on the other hand is a lot of fun. I hate musicals but I was 100% sold on it. It's good fun, a great story, awesome music and some emotions thrown in there too. I don't know a single person who has disliked it.
13 Hours,

Lots of beards and some decent action, quite enjoyed it myself likely more than I should have. What is it with Bay and fireworks during a gun fight?

La La Land (2017) - 7/10

Entertaining enough, but I expected so much more – I really struggled to see what all the fuss and hype was about.

It’s a good film with lots of nostalgic touches and themes with a passable romance story and two very likeable characters.

Lots of great music, but not enough musical numbers or spectacle, and as a lot of the songs and scenes end on a down note, there’s an almost constant bitter-sweet atmosphere.

The “what if” sequence looked a lot more fun, upbeat and lively and with a few more musical numbers, would have been a much more enjoyable film for me.
Underworld Blood Wars - They have done it! They have officially killed the franchise. Absolutely dreadful. No idea what the director was thinking about or trying to do. At times the dialogue was cringe worthy and acting simply dreadful. There is no coming back from this one, i'm afriad and that from someone who liked the first two.

The ending particularly was rushed like a 30 second commercial or BBC weather report. It was out time, out of budget and out of ideas. I couldnt believe it was that bad.

2/10 - the extra point was only because Kate still looked smoking in the leather tight suit.
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