What film did you watch last night?

The Martian - 6/10

In a similar vein to Gravity, it just gets more and more ridiculous until you can suspend disbelief no longer. The acting was also notable for being terrible in places. Possibly because the cast is too big, with certain characters fighting for scraps of screen time. Could have shrunk the cast and lost some scenes and it wouldn't have mattered a jot (Sean Bean I'm looking at you...)

The Revenant - 8/10

Mostly gripping, but again the odd moments of utter incredulity. Pretty grim tho in places. Took a beak half-way through as it was not an easy movie to get through.

The Martian and Gravity are terrible lol :D
I saw La La Land again.

Slightly ruined by two different group of women talking and using their phones, enough for me to shush them but the movie is still amazing.

I might do something unthinkable and go watch it again before it goes off the big screen.

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Someone mentioned Audition, and when I checked it on IMDB I saw that it is a movie I did see while being at work a few years ago. I'm working in a hospital and did a 1-1 shift with a patient during a night and while he was sleeping I sat watching movies on tv, and this movie was on, can't remember which channel but I did watch it.
A bit strange but very grim in some places.
I saw La La Land again.

Slightly ruined by two different group of women talking and using their phones, enormous go for me to shush them but the movie is still amazing.

I might do something unthinkable and go watch it again before it goes off the big screen.


I always make a point of watching likely Oscar films in Jan and Fb. Is this one that will be up for an Oscar or two iyo?
I always make a point of watching likely Oscar films in Jan and Fb. Is this one that will be up for an Oscar or two iyo?

I think it will win

Best original score
Best costume
Best Actress
Best original screenplay
Best Picture*

It might win best cinematography because it captures LA so well, it makes some places that are dumps looks amazing and the colours on the screen really pops. I like the editing in this too and they say a sign of a good edit is one that you don't notice and I don't notice this at all but these categories are just may be.

This is the best movie I've seen for the 2017 oscar contenders.

*I need to see Hacksaw Ridge and Moonlight.
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It Follows - 9/10. Haven't seen a decent horror movie in a while and although this one wasn't hugely creepy or jumpy compared to some of my favourites, it had a great sense of tension thanks to the moody atmosphere and cinematography. Great soundtrack too, I did wonder why the music reminded me of the game Fez until I saw Disasterpiece mentioned in the credits.

It's really good isn't it, watched it "blind" at release without watching any trailers and was really impressed with it.

The thing that it gets right which most horror fails on, it sets the rules early on and doesn't deviate.

I also love the ambiguity of the time period it's set in, there is nothing clearly there to state whether it's present day, 80,'s, 90's or 00's...it has elements of them all.

Maika Monroe is also very good in The Guest, another excellent horror/thriller which goes unnoticed on most peoples radar.
I even bought the god damn soundtrack because that piano song is stuck in my head.

I might even like jazz now!

(Apparently it won every category it was nominated for in the golden globes)

Snap went with my girlfriend to see this not expecting it to be awesome and absolutely loved it just smiling all the way :D
I saw La La Land again.

Slightly ruined by two different group of women talking and using their phones, enough for me to shush them but the movie is still amazing.

I might do something unthinkable and go watch it again before it goes off the big screen.


Going to see it on Thursday morning to avoid such idiocy. Really looking forward to it. Musicals are one of my few pet peeves but even those who share my views have said it's one of the best movies they've seen for quite some time.
I think it will win

Best original score
Best costume
Best Actress
Best original screenplay
Best Picture*

It might win best cinematography because it captures LA so well, it makes some places that are dumps looks amazing and the colours on the screen really pops. I like the editing in this too and they say a sign of a good edit is one that you don't notice and I don't notice this at all but these categories are just may be.

This is the best movie I've seen for the 2017 oscar contenders.

*I need to see Hacksaw Ridge and Moonlight.

I think you need to calm down before you've got Ryan gosling hanging out the back of you :p
The Wolfman

Really quite enjoyed it, but can see why it struggled to make back its budget. Was very polished (that budget), looked pretty great, but wasn't the sort of film I would expect people to flock to see.
I think you need to calm down before you've got Ryan gosling hanging out the back of you :p

I know I sound like a massive musical fan but I am not. It is probably a genre my least favourite genre as I found the singing often very jarring and all the peppy happy singing annoying. Some reason this one totally clicked for me. The flow from talking to singing feels natural, it helped by the actor singing themselves and I think it also helped by the fact that there are very very little edits in the dancing, it is mostly a single take, 1 long shot. The one scene that had like 2 edits in a minute stood out as a result and that says a lot when 2 cuts stands out (planetarium scene). The shot on the side of the road is shot on natural light in 1 take, about 5-6 mins long, you think they are going to cut but then it keeps rolling and rolling and it zooms and pulls back for the framing at just the right time.

The movie is also impressive in the way that it brings a smile to your face, it has been a long time where a film makes me smile because it makes me happy. There is a difference between making me laugh, which is something that is instant and lasts for seconds, this movie emote happiness which lingers for far longer. That is what I meant when I found myself smiling about a quarter of the way through. It draws you into that world and you are happy to be in it.

The reason why I think it will wins the category it does is because they really stand out for me, I have seen a lot of movies in the last 8months since getting the unlimited pass, literally anything of note on the screen I went and see, average twice a week and this movie is the first one I have went to see twice and considering a 3rd time. It is also one that stays in my mind, from the visual to the music. It is also released at just the right time for the academy awards so fresh in people’s memory.

If you are really into musicals however, there are a LOT of easter eggs references to be had, from the window used in Casablanca, to homages to classics in the way of location, framing, colours and props. What is more important or impressive is they managed to make this old school style musical contemporary and fresh. As opposed to the way movies like Pitch Perfect which is a good modern day musical. La La Land feels both old and new at the same time. The story is simple and timeless of 2 struggling artist in Hollywood falling in love which people will immediate understand.

Re: Ryan Gosling, he is good in this but I don’t think he will win best Actor. I am impressed with his piano skills from just 3 months of practice though, actually jealous.

Btw, I have heard people disliking this, but I think it is partly due to the faults of reviews like this, the hype and they expect something like nothing they have seen before. The thing is, it isn’t nothing they have never seen before, the genius is not that, the genius is they made something old, something that people thought has died and made it modern.

And I really recommend catching this in a theatre as empty as possible where there are no distractions from popcorn or chatting, idiots saying “oh that’s what this is!” to their friends. It totally take you out of the immersion which is a big part of this movie, to stay in that world.
The Girl on the Train

Turned it off after about 20 mins. Was with the GF and felt I should make an effort and watch a "chick flick". Thoroughly depressing film with not one likeable character.

My GF was the first to suggest turning it off.
Keeping Up with the Joneses

Wasn't too bad, seen worse. A few laughs. I wanted something light hearted with no thinking involved and this did the job.

Nice eye candy too... Gal Gadot is amazing! Isla Fisher ain't too shabby either, oh, and bewbs; she filled out that dress at the end perfectly :)

The Girl on the Train

Turned it off after about 20 mins. Was with the GF and felt I should make an effort and watch a "chick flick". Thoroughly depressing film with not one likeable character.

My GF was the first to suggest turning it off.

How could you know the full extent of the ALL the characters and there traits if you turned it off after 20 mins? Regardless, maybe the lack of likeable characters is imperative to the tone of the film? ALSO, in what world is this a chick flick??? xD
The girl on the train
Wow, what a downer. Well acted but, as someone else pointed out, not a single likeable character in the whole film. What a parade of a-holes. And, speaking as a married man, what a wonderful advert for husbands. One is violent and possessive and the others is a morally bankrupt murderer. Not that any of the women are any better. 7/10 for the film-making. 1/10 for characters I actually give a damn about. 9/10 for my wife saying “JLaw does have a nice body though.” :D

La La Land
Took my wife as part of a child-free weekend. Read lots of reviews about how great it is and numerous mentions of how “euphoric” and “uplifted” people felt after they’d watched it. We, on the other hand, left feeling really rather bummed out by the ending.
The first 2 acts are a lovely romance and the chemistry between Stone & Gosling is electric. Then the third act (after Paris) is such a downer. It was like the first 2 acts set them up as being soul-mates and then suddenly everything has gone. I was ready to think it was due to the differences in their characters and the results of their actions etc but then we get the “What If?” are suddenly it’s shown that there was nothing that should have kept them apart. My wife commented that the body language between Stone & Hubby and Stone & Gosling in “Sebs” was miles apart (slightly distant v totally connected). My wife had tears in her eyes at the end. Euphoric, my backside.
8.5/10 for the film-making. 4/10 for the plot and residual emotions.
Also saw girl on the train recently.

No way I'd call it a chick flick. Pretty dark film.

Worth at least 6/10 I'd say.

I'll generally watch anything with Emily Blunt in. Without a doubt my favourite actress and she only ever seems to get better. Whilst the movie isn't perfect, her performance is Oscar worthy imo.
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