What film did you watch last night?


One that springs to mind is We Need To Talk About Kevin, utterly depressing and horrible and i'll never watch it again, however it's also a brilliant film.

Damn I'd forgotten about that flick... now I remember why...

Requiem For A Dream is a good shout too. This is a thread in and of itself xD

In fact...
Those two aren't mutually exclusive though. A film can be both depressing and beautiful. I've heard this argument a lot about TGOTT and of course, everyone's allowed to dislike it, but they always seem to sight 'depressing' as a negative. Macbeth and Hamlet are pretty depressing too...

Not criticising your opinion as such, just thought it was an interesting point to raise.

Oh, sorry, I should explain my point better :) It was depressing because I figured out the story very early on and had to wade through pages and pages of boring and unlikable characters to get to the end of the book. I was going to just leave it, but people rated the book so highly that I thought maybe I was wrong, and there was some super amazing twist at the end!!

I understand what you mean about films been depressing and beautiful. Some films can be sad, yet move you deeply.
The Young Offenders.

Irish film about two young lads trying to pull a fast one. Tails of growing up happen. All in all a great movie, which some geniune laughs from me.7/10
Damn I'd forgotten about that flick... now I remember why...

Requiem For A Dream is a good shout too. This is a thread in and of itself xD

In fact...

You are the first person Ive seen stand up for the girl on the train.

Me and the missus gave it a miss, primarily because of lukewarm reviews and the trailer making it look like a poor mans gone girl (which she tells me the book is nothing like) and blunts inability to convey a convincingly alcoholic/haggered protagonist in what weve seen. We probably will watch it, but I suspect comparisons to other great depressingly beautiful movies which we love are unlikely to be favourable?
I thought the Girl on the Train was okay.

It kept my attention, Emily Blunt held the movie together pretty much and although not as good as Gone Girl, a comparison a lot of people made; I didn't think Girl on the Train is a bad movie overall.
I thought the Girl on the Train was okay.

It kept my attention, Emily Blunt held the movie together pretty much and although not as good as Gone Girl, a comparison a lot of people made; I didn't think Girl on the Train is a bad movie overall.

That's pretty much as read in other reviews.

Unfortunately the missus rates the book highly and was looking for a transition to film that put it in requiem for a dream territory for quality, few reviews I've read, or the trailer I saw suggest that is the case.
Live By Night - 7/10 - directed by and starring Ben Affleck, a really good prohibition era gangster movie.

I feel a bit sorry for Affleck, doesn't matter how good a director/actor he has become, people still judge him by a bunch of ropey movies he made when he was younger.
Jack Reacher: Never Go Back

I thought this was fine. Neither better or worse than the last one. A slightly above average action thriller. And Cobie is lovely :)

You are the first person Ive seen stand up for the girl on the train.

Me and the missus gave it a miss, primarily because of lukewarm reviews and the trailer making it look like a poor mans gone girl (which she tells me the book is nothing like) and blunts inability to convey a convincingly alcoholic/haggered protagonist in what weve seen. We probably will watch it, but I suspect comparisons to other great depressingly beautiful movies which we love are unlikely to be favourable?

It's all relative, of course. To be quite honest, I neither liked nor disliked it. The only reason I went to see it is because I'm a huge Blunt fan.

I defend it purely because it isn't a bad movie. It's competently put together, reasonably well paced and there genuinely are some stand out performances. Blunt herself floored me in one scene in particular. Revenge Of The Fallen is a bad movie, The Girl On The Train is just a slightly above average thriller.
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Rogue One

Overall a good Star Wars film that took the franchise closer to where it seems to work best.

Luna was great, K-2SO offered the laughs and most of the characters seemed to fit in just fine. Only Felicity Jones for me didn't. I just don't know what it was other than the constant pouting. Disaster! Pouts. Murder! Pouts. Mayhem! Pouts. I think there were other actresses that could have been a better fit. Not terrible, just not great.

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Only Felicity Jones for me didn't. I just don't know what it was other than the constant pouting. Disaster! Pouts. Murder! Pouts. Mayhem! Pouts. I think there were other actresses that could have been a better fit. Not terrible, just not great.


She does that because of her teeth being a bit prominent, you can tell by looking at her she has to make a conscious effort to keep her lips pressed together otherwise you get this weird semi closed mouth teeth showing thing, sort of like this.


or this
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She does that because of her teeth being a bit prominent, you can tell by looking at her she has to make a conscious effort to keep her lips pressed together otherwise you get this weird semi closed mouth teeth showing thing, sort of like this.


or this

I find that rather cute. Same for Hannah Murray too.

Return Of The Jedi...

Still a good watch but 34 (!) years on, in the cold light of day, comes across as a bit simplistic. I mean the Ewoks, they are *not* cute little furry things. They were going to BBQ Chewie, Han and Luke alive had it not been for the intervention of Leia and Luke's use of the force. And given the pile of Stormtrooper helmets at end, one wonders what they were eating at the celebration feast?

In the power vacuum after the defeat of the emperor, I would definitely have dropped several canisters of CN20 and nerve gassed the whole lot (sorry, wrong movie - but you get my drift).

And in any event, the Empire was an ideal not just the preserve of one man. Terminating the emperor might have created a short term leadership issue but there were plenty of other people supporting the ideals so a "rebellion" coup was far from certain!
Return Of The Jedi...

And in any event, the Empire was an ideal not just the preserve of one man. Terminating the emperor might have created a short term leadership issue but there were plenty of other people supporting the ideals so a "rebellion" coup was far from certain!

There was more after ROTJ. The battle of Jakku (the planet Rey lives on in VII and featured in SW:BF) was the final showdown to eliminate the imperial forces that tried to carry on. Or something like that, I remember reading this somewhere.
Live By Night (2017) - 5/10

An interesting and entertaining enough organised crime movie, but also a bit too shallow and superficial.

Superb attention to detail and style from the era, but the story isn’t that original or that interesting as it seems to gloss over the events rather than delve into them.

The action scenes add some excitement to the proceedings and the acting across the range of characters is good, but ultimately, it just isn’t that memorable.
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