Return Of The Jedi...
Still a good watch but 34 (!) years on, in the cold light of day, comes across as a bit simplistic. I mean the Ewoks, they are *not* cute little furry things. They were going to BBQ Chewie, Han and Luke alive had it not been for the intervention of Leia and Luke's use of the force. And given the pile of Stormtrooper helmets at end, one wonders what they were eating at the celebration feast?
In the power vacuum after the defeat of the emperor, I would definitely have dropped several canisters of CN20 and nerve gassed the whole lot (sorry, wrong movie - but you get my drift).
And in any event, the Empire was an ideal not just the preserve of one man. Terminating the emperor might have created a short term leadership issue but there were plenty of other people supporting the ideals so a "rebellion" coup was far from certain!