What film did you watch last night?

Underworld Blood Wars...

Errrr, it's stupid, it's absurd but I wasn't bored.

Still no idea why the vampires dresses like they are in a S&M gathering though, but it passes the time I guess. But it's movie like these that makes me appreciate films like La La Land even more. This is so crap it is kinda enjoyable.


I got to stop comparing movies to La La Land.
Don't Breathe - 8/10...such a breath of fresh air in horror, no pun intended. Intense, relentless, a touch over the top at the end but the first 3 quarters are so good I can forgive it.

The camera work is expertly crafted, long camera shots which glide around the house around the characters with few cuts.

No loud pointless jump scares which has plagued horror so much in the last decade.

Loved it.

Just wish he wouldn't take so long between movies...I thought Fede Alvarezes take on Evil Dead was excellent.
Don't Breathe - 8/10...such a breath of fresh air in horror, no pun intended. Intense, relentless, a touch over the top at the end but the first 3 quarters are so good I can forgive it.

The camera work is expertly crafted, long camera shots which glide around the house around the characters with few cuts.

No loud pointless jump scares which has plagued horror so much in the last decade.

Loved it.

Just wish he wouldn't take so long between movies...I thought Fede Alvarezes take on Evil Dead was excellent.

It's a pretty good take but I thought the movie took a weird turn half way through and loses the claustrophobic element that it had at the start and went to a straight forward horror film.
I do like how Alvarez manipulates the dynamic several times throughout the movie from feeling sorry for the guy they rob, to not liking him to pity again before...well, the finale.
Watching Easy A

I know teenagers don't talk like this but it sure makes a fun movie when they do. The dialogue is just so sharp, I still don't get every line.

Brilliant movie.

A Monster Calls

Wonderful film but a bit too close to home for me.

Never watch these types of films at the cinema, and was staring at the exit sign during some scenes in fear of breaking down in a cinema, even though everyone else was crying. Managed to get back to the car and totally lost it.

Never had a film affect me so much.

Rewatched Alien: Directors Cut - 9/10 , what can you say about this film. In 2 years time , this film will be 40 , yes 40, years old. Its so well done that it could have been made within the past 5 years.
Rewatched Alien: Directors Cut - 9/10 , what can you say about this film. In 2 years time , this film will be 40 , yes 40, years old. Its so well done that it could have been made within the past 5 years.

I hate the directors cut I have of Alien. It appears some bright spark decided to clean up the quality of the image, as if seeing more of the alien and reducing the pitch black quality of the scenes is an actual improvement.
godzilla resurgence - 7/10 it was ok, pretty funny in places as expected.
the imitation game - 10/10 loved it. best acting i've seen cumberbach do.
locke - 10/10 - wasn't expecting to like it but really good for a film set in a car only. also impressive acting.
rarely do i give a film 10 but the last two were just great.
We had a bit of a binge yesterday.

Batman (1989)
For the nostalgia really. I still loved it as much as I did a kid. Jack Nicholson is fantastic as Joker, we were genuinely laughing out at his antics. Sure, the film is more comic and less serious as the modern iterations but I'll always enjoy Michael Keaton and his disproportionately large bat head :)

The Running Man (1987)
The gf had never watched it before (!) so had to subject her to this Arnie classic. It's show time! Needless to say, the plot is ropey and full of holes but the premise is quite believable and the quotes are typical cheese from Arnie. Oh and it's set in 2017... With the Trumps inauguration maybe it could happen :p

Hannibal (2001)
Following on from watching The Silence last week. It was never a great sequel and red dragon was better. Never the less, a bit gritty in places and Hopkins is always fun to watch. Shame about the Hollywood gore show, it detracts from the psychological thrill ride it is should have been (like the silence does spectacularly well)

Cameron Crowe....wtf is this man? I used to like your movies but this is a mess. Incoherent, silly plot and bad casting choice of Emma Stone as an up and coming Air Force Pilot? I just can't picture her being one.

What a waste of a cast including Alec Baldwin, Rachel McAdams and Bradley Cooper.

2/10 - it gets 2 because 1 for each McAdam and Stone.
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