What film did you watch last night?

The Blackout - Poor mans Feast with crap CGI spoiling most of the gore fx.

End of the Line - Watchable horror from the director of Slashers featuring a group underground travellers being stalked by a bunch of religous nuts.
Harry Brown

While not an original concept for a film it is very well made. I did feel, however, that wife bit was just unnecessary as it didn't add much at all and found it strange that they used CGI on some bits where they easily could've used bog standard tech. Small niggles though so 7/10.
Deja Vu.

Didn't really do much for me to be honest, average in many respects and not even Denzel could pick it up
Tokyo Gore Police - Can't rate, not possible.

Japanese people are insane.

Kind of Tetsuo: The Iron Man crossed with The Thing, basically there is a virus on the loose in Japan which causes those who are infected to sprout weapons of varying horribleness from any wound they might take, this can be chainsaw arms, blades or crocodile style jaws as happens to a women who loses both her legs, these...unlucky people are refereed to as "Engineers"

Ruka, the main character is an Engineer Hunters, there is some stuff about her dad being killed to cover something up but honestly the plot is completely irrelevant, the gore is a bit dodgy but plentiful and is worth watching for no other reason.
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I forgot, I also watched Defendor.

Wow, what an odd film, plus; it felt imcomplete. I really don't think I liked it to be honest. Just strange, I'm sure I read it was a comedy, I struggled with that idea. Odd odd film but I can commend Woody because he was awesome.
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