Favourite !
For me it has the best opening 20 mins...
I think when I first mentioned Saving Private Ryan I said,
It's pretty much implicit that I am talking about an opinion of which movies are best (for me).
Do you like Shaving Ryan's Privates?
It's not on my list, I've been in a Schindler's Lift though.
The Perks of Being A Flower - First viewing of this. I was pleasantly surprised throughout. Even the Mrs liked this and she's a difficult customer when it comes to films.
Whiplash - Tried to watch this with my GF a few weeks ago but we turned it off after 30 mins as she wasn't feeling it.
I went back and resumed it on my own yesterday.
With all the praise this movie gets it was rather plodding and quite boring. J.K Simmons was the only saving grace with his hilarious insults.
But regarding Whiplash, I'm afraid Maxter_X is just wrongCome on - I've seen The Witch, Arrival and this get slated in the past page or so, and I loved them. People just have different tastes, something you'll have to accept or you'll turn into Easyrider.
Come on - I've seen The Witch, Arrival and this get slated in the past page or so, and I loved them. People just have different tastes, something you'll have to accept or you'll turn into Easyrider.
But regarding Whiplash, I'm afraid Maxter_X is just wrong
The film is superb, the pacing and constant rhythm (excuse the pun) of the film is outstanding. Not to mention that the performances, writing and direction are all fantastic!
It's like arguing over why somebody likes the colour blue. It just makes no sense to me.
Come on - I've seen The Witch, Arrival and this get slated in the past page or so, and I loved them. People just have different tastes, something you'll have to accept or you'll turn into Easyrider.
I wouldn't agree with that, but I do agree that of course it's largely subjective. However, whether a film was well acted and well shot or not, I don't think is subjective. There is of course such a thing as a technically bad film which can be enjoyable, just look at Love Actually!