What film did you watch last night?

easyrider;30487728 said:
The tone was wrong for me...There is no doubt that Mel Gibson knows how to direct a movie but some parts were a bit Tropic Thunder IMO.

In the opposite, Moonlight gets better the longer time passes.

Not a movie I would watch again but in terms of a thought provoking story, the acting, I won't be surprise if it picks up a few Oscars.
Raymond Lin;30487761 said:
In the opposite, Moonlight gets better the longer time passes.

Not a movie I would watch again but in terms of a thought provoking story, the acting, I won't be surprise if it picks up a few Oscars.

Not seen it will check it out cheers for the recommendation :)
Been catching up on my ever growing watchlist over the last few days. In no particular order:

Wolf of Wallstreet - 8/10 - Not Scorcese's (or Leo's) best but entertaining enough.
Kingdom of Heaven 7/10 - Very watchable, close to being good.
Predators 7/10 - Better than expected, a solid base, could have been quite a bit better.
The Road 6/10 - Just didn' really click with it. Not that much really happened.
Hateful Eight 6/10 - My least favourite QT film.
Jacky Brown 7/10 - Decent in places and good performance from Pam Grier... Just didn't find the overall plot that engaging.
Life on the Road 6/10 - Would have been better if released 10 years ago, stil raised the odd chuckle in places.
Arrival - 7-8/10

Hmm, I'd say I enjoyed it, despite the obvious flaws... I guess I like films like this because they leave me thinking about what would happen if they occurred for real - how crazy everything would be, etc.

Loved the end track too:

Gold - 7/10 Interesting movie with Matthew Mcconaughey portraying Kenny Wells as a Gold Prospector who is down on his luck and trying to find his way back to success. Loosely based on the true story Bre-X mining incident. Was quite enjoyable and was relieved watching a movie i could tell what was going on, rather than the 100mph mess called Resident Evil - Final Dog's Dinner.
Underworld: Blood Wars

If you're a fan of the Underworld movies then you'll like this. Not the best of the series but worth a watch.
Sliver;30491307 said:
Underworld: Blood Wars

If you're a fan of the Underworld movies then you'll like this. Not the best of the series but worth a watch.

I would give this one a solid 6/10 for general films but 7.5 for Underworld. I found it a lot more enjoyable and less all over the place than last time. I do like the fact that despite them not really being much above Resident Evil etc they have still built a huge mythology which they always link to.

The ending did seem very rushed though and not sure exactly what year it's supposed to be now :p
The Fifth Element is great. It'd be a lot worse if it were at all sensible.

Interestingly, Gary Oldman hated making the film. It was a pot boiler for him, as he needed to win some favours to get Luc Besson to help him out with making Nil By Mouth. It's testament to how good Oldman is that he hated it, but still turned in such a good performance.
Richeh;30491381 said:
I would give this one a solid 6/10 for general films but 7.5 for Underworld. I found it a lot more enjoyable and less all over the place than last time. I do like the fact that despite them not really being much above Resident Evil etc they have still built a huge mythology which they always link to.

The ending did seem very rushed though and not sure exactly what year it's supposed to be now :p

I loved the first two but the last two, particularly the last was the worst yet. Absolutely ruined it. 3/10
The Space Between Us (2017) - 3/10

Apart from the unique concept and bringing up some interesting discussion points about the practicalities of life on Mars, there’s not much else to recommend in this cheesy and corny teen romance movie.

The film is mostly a boring road trip as although their trip is quite eventful and scenic, there’s little sense to the locations and no real sense of danger.

Everything, including his integration with Earth’s culture, is resolved far too quickly & easily, and although the acting is ok, it’s nothing special.
Sliver;30491307 said:
Underworld: Blood Wars

If you're a fan of the Underworld movies then you'll like this. Not the best of the series but worth a watch.

Watched this last night and apart from a few good action sequences it was a little bit boring, 6/10. Only thing that stuck out for me was why did they ride horses up to the snowy coven and where did they trot off to after? :).
The Purge (2013) - awful

I've heard lots of people say this is a good watch, so I'm unsure if I saw the wrong film or something. What a load of rubbish. Not even Cersei could keep me interested.

It suffers from the same nonsense we see in The Walking Dead - helping random people and putting your entire group/family at risk. Completely clueless. And then when it inevitably goes **** up like it did, they blame the person who said no to it in the first place.

Also, why would you let the neighbours go in the end? :confused: That's going to be fun living next to them from now on... Would have mowed the lot down after they've just tied up my family.
The Purge was rubbish but a good concept. Purge 2 and 3 are a lot better than the original as they use the concept properley.
Got bored and stuck on Warrior last night. Nick Notles' performance in this is amazing. Very good film. To be fair all performances are good, Hardy just plays his role with perfection. The final outcome was obvious from early on in the film but the way I see it, Noltes' final scene tells me that his job was done. From my first viewing on release I initially thought.

Having both sons against him for what he did in the past he wanted to make amends. If this meant for both brothers to get back together at his own expense then that is what he would do. Sacrifice his own friendship with both for them to be together again.

Every viewing I get welled up :(. Emotional movie and well acted. Basic and done before story but was well done.

Movie 9/10 very very good
Style 10/10 I loved the gritty, grainy dark look to the movie. Processed well.
Sound 8/10 The fight scenes and punch sound effects were good. Over all good.
Score 10/10 great music throughout and played well in the scene it was in.

Stand out moments-

When the father was drunk and Hardy comes into his room. Then Hardy takes him onto the bed and wraps himself around his dad. Stroking his head and protecting him. Amazing acting.

Nick Notles drunken outburst. Superb

The scene where Hardy is on slot machines and throws the cup of quarters in his dads face. I am sure that was improvised. The look on Notles face. If it was improvised then that shows me how good an actor Hardy and Notle are.

When the school head is watching the fight on TV and runs and jumps around his hallway in front of his wife. Quality, made me laugh and shows the effect when some one close, either family or friend is doing something you don't 100% agree on comes out on top and you give your support because you want them to do well in what they have chosen to do.

Over all 9/10
Arrival - 9/10.

Caused a proper conversation between gf and me, absolutely worth seeing. Nice to see a good film and it be a bit different

one thing I don't quite know.. Which we talked about. Does she live in the present. Or by knowing everything.. Can the present effectively be anytime in her life
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