What film did you watch last night?

Moonlight 9/10
Its a great film, with some brilliant moments and lovely story. But some of the hysteria around it is laughable, its a great film, with excellent casting and decent camera work.
I wish people would just enjoy it for what it is without spouting nonsense.
Trainspotting (1996) - 8/10 - Been a while since I saw this. Still very good and surprisingly relevant today. Watch this first before seeing Trainspotting 2 is my advice
Jurassic World. Wow. So...SO bad. Literally everything wrong with modern filmmaking condensed into 2 hours. I have no idea how this utter disgrace was reviewed so favourably. 2/10.
Get Out

Another Odeon Screen Unseen preview.

Shocks, surprises, scares, twists, racial undertone, horror, a bit of comedy, this film has a lot of elements but somehow it works. It kept my interest throughout, although I couldn't wait for the reveal to come though during it because you know it is coming, just waiting for that moment. I kept looking at my watch but it when it came, there were a few things I didn't expect.

Good performances, a couple of jump scares which actually made me jump. Without giving much away, watch this film without any trailers or even reviews, the less you know the better.


(it is currently sitting at 99% on Rotten Tomatoes)

I was better than I thought it would be. Basically a love story in space. The two leads are easy to watch, especially JL... gorgeous!
Not sure what the point of Laurence Fishburne's part was and Andy Garcia was completely pointless!

I was entertained and I'll give it 7/10

To inform them of the ship failures and to pass on his ID bracelet which gave them access to restricted parts of the ship and of course the override for the med capsule.

But yeah, very convenient and **** me did he look fat!
I was very disappointed with Passengers. As someone said here earlier, in the trailer, Pratt's character says something along the lines of 'do you ever think we were woken up for a reason?'

So I was expecting some big twist, or really thought provoking reason as to why what happened...happened.

And when you do find out what happened, me and my misses were both like....was that it?!

3/10 for me
I enjoyed Steve Jobs. Seen all his films I think only one I didn't particularly enjoy was A Life Less Ordinary or whatever it's called

Edit: 127 Hours and Millions are the only ones I've not seen.
Passengers. What a load of rubbish. 3/10.

Sorry but once Lawrence Fishburne was out and they got access to the crew quarters the rest of the movie was idiotic.

1) Why not wake the crew up as soon as they got access with Fishburnes pass...it's THEIR JOB to sort these issues out.

2) Are we supposed to believe that, in an enormous ship like that with shopping malls and facilities designed to support all those thousands of people for the final four months, that there is only ONE AutoDoc machine that can perform that hibernation feature?

3) Why the hell would they decide to grow old together and ignore waking the crew?...but even if they did would they both die at the same time of old age? He's like 10 years older than her and women live longer anyway. Why wouldn't she put herself into the AutoDoc hibernation when he passed away?

4) Fusion plasma is millions of degrees C - but he survived in a space suit and with a door.

5) EDIT: Oh and I nearly forgot...it's TOTALLY easy to repair fusion reactors that have holes in them...and a simple reboot will definitely solve the problem for the next 89 years...totally. It wont ever go wrong again even though the shell that is instrumental in providing the magnetic field is damaged and in worse shape than when the original issue happened. La di da di da... let's plant some more trees!

I know it's a love story but they could have done better. Give me a break.
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Logan - 9/10

I tell you what really made me enjoy it, having zero idea about the fact that this is the last time both characters will play that role. I guess it would be a hard secret to keep but what a massive spoiler. They were even on TV telling interviewers.

Thankfully I stuck to the age old tradition of relying on my amazing(ly bad) memory and watching the trailer once when first released and steering clear of any information after. In fact I almost didn't go to watch it because it looked slow and dull. Boy was I wrong!

Passengers - 7/10

It's so easy to get swept away by these amazing environments they create in space on these ships. I'm always distracted by the sets but they did such a good job here. I'm also a sucker for a good love story so really enjoyed this, the med pod scene got me. To very easy on the eye characters, awesome space scenes, great story, nice pace. Can't go wrong with this one.
I'd like to watch the boxset some time, what's the best versions to watch?

Theatrical or Directors cut?

Apparently with Alien 3 they fell out with the director and released a completely different movie, there's a fan edit and it's completely different. Shame there's just no way to get your hands on it.
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