What film did you watch last night?

Logan - Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart was excellent and made a great send off to the movie. The girl who played Laura/X-23 was surprisingly good and worked well in this story which is extremely unusual for young characters particular in this type of genre. It really brought a tear to my eye seeing Wolverine fight in his full glory and show how the character is meant to be portrayed. It sad also seeing how they finally got it right in the end which for me was far too late, particulary how many times they tried and failed for the sake of having PG viewign rating in the past.

Thoroughly enjoyed this but sad this is the final one. 8/10. Not perfect but definitely heading in the right direction.
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Hmm I saw Logan on Thursday night and thought it was pretty mediocre, no more than that. I think Jackman is a great actor and this was no exception but the story was predictable and almost felt 'forced' to me. The bad guy was lame as hell too lol.

I was better than I thought it would be. Basically a love story in space. The two leads are easy to watch, especially JL... gorgeous!
Not sure what the point of Laurence Fishburne's part was and Andy Garcia was completely pointless!

I was entertained and I'll give it 7/10
The Lobster - 5/10 - it was a weird film. Started off well with some very dry humour and it was this odd setting in a weird utopian future where everyone had to have a partner for life/be in a relationship. Dragged on in the end though. Couldn't wait for it to finish.

Lion - 9/10 - incredible, powerful film. It's beautiful, just go and watch it if you haven't.
Vannila Sky.

Wish id read the synopsis, the entirity of the film baring the first twenty and last minutes would have made more sense.

yeah/no Can't decide if what i watched was some masterpeice, or a confusing mess.
Vannila Sky.

Wish id read the synopsis, the entirity of the film baring the first twenty and last minutes would have made more sense.

yeah/no Can't decide if what i watched was some masterpeice, or a confusing mess.

Watch it again.. It absolutely gets better with every rewatch..

Watched "High Tension" last night. I'm a big fan of foreigh horror and the french take on a slasher was pretty good..
A Street Cat Called Bob.

Actually enjoyed this more than I thought - SWMBO already read the book but I hadn't.

Obviously "glammed" up the homeless life a bit and, not knowing too much about the intricacies of the welfare state, was struggling to understand how the authorities (reluctantly) gave this guy who wanted to clean up, a flat, methadone treatment but then left him on his own to pay for food. Further discussion of that for GD or SC, but it did strike me as odd.

The other slightly puzzling aspect was why they used the real "Bob" in the movie rather than a stand-in or stunt double. If I'd gone through what the guy had with the cat I'd be extremely protective and not want it going anywhere near a location where it could be in danger.

Nevertheless a feel-good and at times thought provoking watch - 9/10.

Just watched this myself, I agree about the food thing. He was setup to fail, very much like I am daniel blake.

Though it obviously depends on how accurate those scenes are.

I also agree, a great feel good movie. :)
I watched Witness For The Prosecution this evening, the 1957 Billy Wilder version. It was excellent t. I'd held off watching it as I'd seen the bbc's version at Christmas. This was lighter, as far as courtroom murder goes anyway. It was very good.

I liked the spoiler warning at the end of the film:

the film said:
The management of this theatre suggests that for the greater entertainment of your friends who have not yet seen the picture, you will not divulge, to anyone, the secret of the ending of Witness for the Prosecution.
Watch it again.. It absolutely gets better with every rewatch..

Watched "High Tension" last night. I'm a big fan of foreigh horror and the french take on a slasher was pretty good..

On vanilla Sky, It really doesn't get better with every watch, It's not an awful film but not as good as the original Spanish version (open your eyes), which is no classic it self, but is an improvement.
Vanilla sky truly does get better with each watch, tom truise can grind on u but i guess thats the point he's a rich nob who doesnt care about other people

but not as good as the original Spanish version

There right there,

Spanish version is good but you wouldn't understand mentality
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Very good cgi film, not quite Toy Story / How To Train Your Dragon levels, but better than most recent offerings.
Main song is catchy as hell, and the graphics are absolutely gorgeous.

The princess reference got a big lol from me.


Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them

Loved the beasts and the special effects in general, beautiful film to look at, and nice to see a US slant on the Potterverse. Characters and story were a bit flat, but if you just want to look at weird magical monsters, then this fits the bill perfectly.

10 Cloverfield Lane

Saw this at the flicks and quite enjoyed it. However this time round I was bored before the half way mark. Once you know where the plot's going, you start to see the cracks in the pacing and it just becomes a rather dull affair. Still think the ending is dreadful.

Captain America: Civil War

Yeah, it has some of the most convenient plot devices in cinema history and one of the poorest villains Marvels ever had but goddamn I love it! Not my favourite Marvel flick and probably isn't even as good as Winter Soldier but...

The Departed

Still my favourite Scorcese movie (closely followed by Taxi Driver). It might not be as fluid or glossy as some of his other movies, but the performances are superb all round and the last half an hour has me clam up every time.
Vannila Sky.

Wish id read the synopsis, the entirity of the film baring the first twenty and last minutes would have made more sense.

yeah/no Can't decide if what i watched was some masterpeice, or a confusing mess.
I first saw it shortly after release on an long distance flight and enjoyed it. As mentioned it gets better with more watches.
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