What film did you watch last night?

Schindler's list 5/10

First time watching it (I know) but I just didn't get in to it. I've been aware of it for many years and ultimately felt that the hype surrounding it left me expecting more.

There weren't any real "shock" moments of note when I compare it to the same scenes from Band of Brothers. Maybe it hasn't aged well, but I just found it overly boring and shallow.
Schindler's List is a lot of things but certainly not shallow.
Man opens business
Saves Jews by offering them a job
Man sees a girl in a red jacket
Nazis kill the Jews
Man sees the girl in a red jacket
Man dies

Apart from the struggle he has when he's leaving, there's no character development with Schindler. Just endless scenes of depressing greyscale footage.

I really don't buy in to the hype. I've seen better holocaust scenes/movies tbh.
The Belko Experiment (2017) - 2/10

An utterly pointless film with a very weak and predictable story and an awful ending.

Similar to Battle Royale in concept, but without the political or social commentary, inventive use of weapons or deaths, memorable characters, or black comedy.

It’s violent and gory enough and has the odd entertaining moment with some good use of music, but overall, dull and boring.
Man opens business
Saves Jews by offering them a job
Man sees a girl in a red jacket
Nazis kill the Jews
Man sees the girl in a red jacket
Man dies

Apart from the struggle he has when he's leaving, there's no character development with Schindler. Just endless scenes of depressing greyscale footage.

I really don't buy in to the hype. I've seen better holocaust scenes/movies tbh.

Not sure what you mean by breaking the movie down, a lot of great movies have a simple plot, i mean what is the plot of 2001 Space Odyssey? Whats the plot of Rocky? What's the plot in Jaws?

You also have to put into perspective when this was made, 1993, of all those other "better" holocaust movies, which ones are they are when were they made? Band of Brothers came out in 2001. I wager they are all made after Schindler's List. It's like if you put someone who has grown up in the 90's and watch Star Wars for the first time, he would say that's laughable special effects and fight scenes.

p.s. Hype to me would imply when a movie has just opened and seen by a small minority and word spreads about that movie. When a movie is out almost 25 years and it is widely reviewed, acknowledge and accepted to be one of the greatest movies ever made. It is not hype, it is just the general opinion now. Like there is no hype around Gone with the Wind, there is no hype around the Godfather or Raging Bull or Lawrence of Arabia.
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Last couple of days I have watched:

  • American Honey - Very gritty teen drama that is surreal and F-ed up in places, and has a bit of a sudden ending, but I liked it all the same - 7.5/10
  • Lion - amazing story and I was emotionally in bits at some parts - 8.5/10
  • Assassins Creed - I enjoyed it and thought it had some good casting - 7/10
  • Resident Evil: The Final Chapter - About as bad as you would expect, yet somehow watchable if you've seen the others - 5.5/10
  • Underworld: Awakening - I loves me my Kate Beckinsale vampire yarns. Some awesome casting too! - 7/10
  • Underworld: Blood Wars - Ditto as above but a bit better. - 7.5/10
  • Spectral - Quite a unique and interesting concept and while cheesy in places it was an enjoyable action romp with decent acting. - 7/10
  • Entourage - As cheesy and sexist as it is, you can't deny that on some level you want that lifestyle. 6/10.
Yeah, I didn't get out much this long weekend. :D
Get Out 7.8/10

Really really good. Not great but really good. Very well put together chiller. Good setup and atmosphere. Good performances all round. Minor comedy aspects. Can't talk a lot about the plot as dont want to give it away. A tiny bit preposterous but makes you think :D

I quite fancy this, but not into horrors. Would you label it more as a thriller than a horror?
Swiss Army Man
what. the. ****

However.... 8/10 Really enjoyed it :D

Such charming nonsense is probably the best way I can describe the friendship between the corpse of Harry Potter and the depressed son from Little Miss Sunshine !!

I loved it :) Along with Hunt for the Wilderpeople it's my fave of 2016.

My take:

It's about lonely guy who falls in love with a girl who gets on the same bus as him. He follows her home one day, sees she's happily married with a kid, and his mind snaps. He then goes down to the shore at bottom of her garden to hang himself, sees the corpse wash up, and spends the next day or so hallucinating with it and trying to come to terms with everything.
Jack Irish. Three movies made for Aussie TV and starring guy pierce. Was surprised how good they were. 8/10 from me.
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