What film did you watch last night?

Split 7.5/10. Very enjoyable, McAvoy was brilliant in all his roles. Went a bit mental at the end but still enjoyable.
My Scientology Movie - Louis Theroux doing his thing with the church of sicentology in america. Took with a huge pinch of salt but if even half the stuff in the movie is true, they're a pretty disgusting bunch. Have developed a real hatred of Tom Cruise since watching and doing some more reading up on the church as well.
Captain America: Civil War: 6/10

I agree with

The fight scenes were good but I thought the Team ironman vs Team Captain America fight was a bit one sided when it should not have been, it seamed like the TS team was not fighting due to feelings.

The best part was spiderman

Hope its not a quick makeup, the build up and issues will be wasted.

I'm team Ironman

I'm Team Cap!

Saw Wonderwoman on the weekend, was alright, 7/10 but....

Why did they have to deliver a photograph in an armoured van behind lock and key?!?!
more terrible films this week:
deadly prey - cheesy but good for a laugh
gymkata - the best of the three. Completely ridiculous but fun, and weird near the end.
hardware - bad but boring with it, total garbage.

not much point marking any of them as they were all bad, but the first two were entertaining to watch in a group.
Les Diaboliques - 1955 French drama/horror about a wife and mistress who decide to do the husband/lover in. You can see the basis for a lot of future films from this one, tense in a nice old fashioned way. 4/5
I enjoyed the ending with Bruce Willis' character from Unbreakable showing up, wonder if Syhmalan is trying to create a movie universe

According to IMDB trivia section for Split that was the idea, there is a third movie planned linking all the characters together. Not sure I've ever actually seen Unbreakable but I did get the reference at the end of Split as I'm vaguely aware of it. Will have to go back and watch it maybe.
La la land.

I really wanted to like this, after hearing how good it was here and elsewhere. Technically, it's brilliant. It looks good and it's well shot and it's colourful and vibrant. The music and singing and dancing are well done. Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling look great and they have great chemistry together. There's great long takes where people have long conversations and move about round the scenery and it's really impressive.

The story, however, is slow and ponderous. There is no drive or "urgency" and it's really hard to buy into either of them wanting the dream they're supposed to be pursuing. It's navel gazy and mimsy. I needed more something pushing it forward.

I know it's meant to hark back to some other time in Hollywood, but if you're after that then you can watch Singing in the Rain or if you want a modern wry take on things then watch Hail Caesar.

Watching LaLa land, I thought it was good, and then thought I must watch the Blues Brothers again. As big musical extravaganzas are concerned, this doesn't even get close.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

Delivered. Took about half an hour for the charm of the original to shine through, but once it did it was good fun. Also liked that they slowed the tempo down at times to flesh the characters out.

Fate of the Furious

I was expecting chase sequences, explosions, ridiculous fight scenes and the usual franchise humor and that's what I got. Basically it felt like I had already watched the complete film months ago when the trailer dropped.

The car sequence with the car hooks was nice, but the raining cars bit was terrible.

A decent, watchable, over-the-top fun ride.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

Delivered. Took about half an hour for the charm of the original to shine through, but once it did it was good fun. Also liked that they slowed the tempo down at times to flesh the characters out.


Yeah, I felt Galaxy 1 was an awesome, unexpected fun film of excitement and action (which is a surprise with the first installment of comic book films), the 2nd one was much more like the 'origins' story you expect from the first film - delving more into the characters and building them up. I thought it worked really well - the interaction between the chars in the first one had you interested in them without bogging you down into a slow build up, and the 2nd one fleshed them out and as you were already invested in them because of the first film it worked.
My Scientology Movie - Louis Theroux doing his thing with the church of sicentology in america. Took with a huge pinch of salt but if even half the stuff in the movie is true, they're a pretty disgusting bunch. Have developed a real hatred of Tom Cruise since watching and doing some more reading up on the church as well.
How/where did you watch this?
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