Actually a lot of 80s horror is utter garbage, that film has nothing in common with the majority of them.The Thing (1982)
Something about 80s horrors which are so enjoyable![]()
Sounds awesome.I did a screening of The Thing in Bigscreen VR the other day and it was awesome to see younger people who had never seen it sit there riveted, saying "Holy ****!" every now and then![]()
The special effects in The Thing are incredible. Proper hardcore practical effects. Modern CGI has nothing on it.
Talking of modern CGI, I watched GotGv2. It had a couple of funny moments, and I like how colourful it all is, but it's not a patch on the first. So bored of films ending with a big huge punch up.
Really enjoyed the concept, thought it was great. Was a little bit let down by the ending - it could really have done with a twist or some added layer of complexity; as it stood it was a decent watch but not a classic.
2/10 is generous. Very generous.Transformers: The Last Knight....... 2/10
Such a disasterous mess of nonsense and terribleness.
And that's coming from someone who loves a good brainless action explosion flick.
Just caught Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them - don't see why it was so hyped tbh.
"Almost always cast"? Go on then, let's see your list...It's not very good. But this what you get from an actor who's so weird that he's almost always cast in roles of people with mental or physical disabilities.. Oscar worthy my arse.
The finale of that film where he attempt to act an autistic version of Hugh Grant asking out a girl is the most cringeworthy scene in cinema history.
He is rubbish though!"Almost always cast"? Go on then, let's see your list...
He was very good in Tess of the d'Urbervilles on TV and My Week With Marilyn, but that's going back a bit.He is rubbish though!
On the plus side, JLaw remains gorgeous.
Transformers: The Last Knight
Just watched it. What a steaming pile of Grimlock sized ****.
There was potential in there for a twist and a very dark film.
Thought for sure Morpheus was going to have a sinister side where perhaps he'd released Starlord. Bit like in Predators.
Not to be but did think it could have turned into a thriller if the fact Starlord released Katniss was only revealed to the audience at same time as she found out.
But have her find out by finding items belonging to previous cute woman he'd released and eventually grown bored of. The waiter could have been part of the reveal. She could look him up like he did her and find his picture as a young teen. He's lost his mind and been at this a while.
Have it end with her getting blown out the airlock and last scene following another young woman stumbling around the empty decks wondering where everyone is when she stumbles upon a much older Starlord.