What film did you watch last night?

Baby Driver. Awesome
The start was OK, but the subsequent get-aways became a bit formulaic, not up there with Ronin or the original (Besson contributed) Taxi chases,
partly because of the extensive CGI use
Music was rather a hommage to Tarrantino. (J.Browne)
biggest issue his 'relationship' with both the Uncle and the girlfriend felt contrived/artificial, are there any good young actors currently ? 5/10
Can't say I enjoyed Baby Driver, fell a bit flat.

It Follows - started off great then I went off the idea the friends couldn't see but touch and feel IT.
Blood Father - 6/10

A colleague of mine highly enjoyed this and recommended that I give it a watch. I was expecting something like John Wick or Taken but the film never really went anywhere and the payoff was anticlimactic. It was ok in a not horrible sort of way. William H Macy was completely wasted though.
American Assassin (2017) - 5/10

Starts off good with a topical and shocking incident, but quickly descends into a mediocrity of super-agent clichés and ends with an over the top farce.

The action scenes are well shot and fast paced and the settings are interesting enough, but the rest of the film is nothing special.

The characters are well acted but aren’t developed, the romance sub-plot doesn’t go anywhere, and overall, lacks thrills and excitement.

Middle of the road at best - even the title's dull and uninspiring.
I watched Sully this evening. Pretty good. Tom Hanks, always reliable. Quite a story.

I found that one really dull myself. Contrast that with Captain Phillips (Hanks again, based upon a true story again) and CP is night and day superior. Sully just boiled down to one man never ever being better than his last mistake and the company looking for a scapegoat....and when I write that it makes the film sound better than it was! (In my own humble opinion that is).
I found that one really dull myself. Contrast that with Captain Phillips (Hanks again, based upon a true story again) and CP is night and day superior. Sully just boiled down to one man never ever being better than his last mistake and the company looking for a scapegoat....and when I write that it makes the film sound better than it was! (In my own humble opinion that is).
same I didn't get on with sully, loved one of the many documentaries about it though.

Listened to the interview on Mayo and Kermode that Aronoiski wrote that in 5 days without sleep, now that I've watched this film I think he was delirious towards the end of the 5 days and it shows in the last act of this movie....it's crazy!

The movie is entirely Jennifer Lawrence's film, it is without a doubt that she is as good as she ever or better than anything she's been in, I sense another oscar nod coming up.

It's hard to talk about this film without spoilers and also without going into its meaning...I'm still chewing on it, WTF.

Although...at the first 5 seconds of this film I kinda guessed the ending though, weirdly something about watching Your Name and its intro gave me clues to know what this film might be, at least in the literal sense.
Rise of the Footsoldier

I really shouldn't like this film as much as I do, I think it's purely the fact it captures the time periods very well and the antics people got up to.
Transformers : The Last Knight

Just wow. A masterclass in how to ruin a franchise and spit in the face of your fans. I've no idea who the film was aimed at, clearly not kids with the amount of transformers shouting 'mofo' this and 'f-that'. The entire tone of the film was rubbish. The pacing was all over. The storyline was gibberish. Absolutely awful start to finish. They need to put this series to bed, never let Bay near the franchise again, and reboot the whole thing. They need to get whoever wrote the High Moon War/Fall of Cybertron games onboard and make a proper TF movie.
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