Wings of the Apache - Me 9/10, everyone else 3/10 - Sooooooo, this is a kind of a guilty pleasure of mine hence the OTT score and following review so bear that in mind. This is Top Gun with Apache helicopters as the "Good Ole US of A" takes on a South American drug dealers private Air Force in a battle for Truth, Justice and the American Way!!!!!!
Starring Nick Cage (manic/depressed/strange), Tommy Lee Jones (excellent) and Sean Young (secret crush) the film throws away all pretence of being a "serious" film and instead takes the same USA=Good Vs Generic Baddy=Bad pattern set by Top Gun with the script written by someone who thinks 2 dimensions is 1 too many. However they managed to get just the right tone and military jargon right to make Tommy Lee and Sean Young seem like believable US Army pilots however Nick Cage, wow, what a swing and a miss, although I actually love some of his more manic rantings ("I AM THE GREATEST" in the simulator etc) however Tommy Lee massively steals the show for me as the "experienced Instructor setting his new prodigal son pilot on the straight and narrow".
The aerial "dog fights" are extremely well designed and shot and the help of the US Army helps with the feel of the film (I think they thought it could be a recruitment film) but when the film has to use it's own "effects" (when the US Army isn't doing all the work) its very obvious to see the very low budget in action.
So why do I rate it 9/10 - I think it was the perfect film and the perfect time in my life. Like those who saw Top Gun in '86 keep saying the catch phrases years later, I still keep saying all the ones from this film 27 years later such as saying I'm "going full tilt boogie for freedom and justice" when I'm going 100% at something etc, which are utterly stupid and crap lines but they've stuck with me for nearly 30 years so "something", some mysterious X-Factor keeps this movie alive for me. A lot of is down to Tommy Lee, who is just absolutely perfect as a character, his acting, the lines he's given etc which amazes me when I see how the same script guy who got TLJ so right seemed to have such a miss with almost everything Nick Cage did