What film did you watch last night?

lol - thanks, captain spoiler!

Those things work when you don't see them coming! :p
Fair enough. My point is I didn't see it coming, but I'm so worn done with the incessant obsession with plot twists that halfway through I just thought that from the point the story had got to there was no way it couldn't be whoever it was, because that's just the way stories work. If I've spoiled it for you, it's only because modern films spoiled it for me!

But fair enough, maybe my last line gives something away, but that's only a tiny part of the overall thing.
Wonder Woman...... yeah, that was awful! :(

Terrible plot, baaaaad casting (with the exception of WW herself mind!), terrible CGI and one of the slowest super hero films to date!

I was really hoping for a darker, grittier WW to run up to Justice League but it was just a First Avenger rehash in the style of a bad period drama!

Also watched this, given the reviews it had I was disappointed. 5/10 - only because of Gil Gadot.
I watched "We still Steal the old way" with my father earlier.
It's a sequel to "We still kill the old way", about a bunch of old time London gangsters who (in this one) decided to rob a bank that has defrauded a lot of people and got away with it.
Very enjoyable gangster type film with a few little twists (and spot the ex Bill cast:p).
Kingsman: The Secret Service 9/10

This just finished on C4. Wow, great movie. I honestly didn't expect it to be much good but it was such fun. Like a cross between a James Bond and Tarantino movie. Only one criticism..
I didn't think it was necessary to have the scenes with the baby girl crying as if the mother was going to kill her, that was a bit much and quite upsetting.
The Infiltrator. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1355631/

I like this type of film so I was pretty sure I was going to enjoy it. Solid movie 7.5 ish /10.

The Dark Knight. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0468569/

I've tried to watch this on numerous occasions but something has usually managed to keep me distracted, but this time I was determined to finish it and I'm glad I did. I didn't enjoy it as much as the first one Bale made (brilliant movie), but it's still a v.good film 7.5 - 8/10.
On to now watch the last of his stint as the caped crusader. Tom Hardy's in it so that's a plus.
Sin City: A Dame To Kill For. 7/10

Also on C4. Pretty good. I've not seen the first Sin City which is meant to be better but I enjoyed this.
The Dark Knight. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0468569/

I've tried to watch this on numerous occasions but something has usually managed to keep me distracted, but this time I was determined to finish it and I'm glad I did. I didn't enjoy it as much as the first one Bale made (brilliant movie), but it's still a v.good film 7.5 - 8/10.
On to now watch the last of his stint as the caped crusader. Tom Hardy's in it so that's a plus.
Tom Hardy is unintelligible so that's a minus :D

They are all solid films. I like Dark Knight best, then Batman Begins. The third is... the third film in a trilogy.

Really enjoyed the concept, thought it was great. Was a little bit let down by the ending - it could really have done with a twist or some added layer of complexity; as it stood it was a decent watch but not a classic.
Life 4/10

Was expecting more with the quality of the cast, but it turned out to be a terrible version of Alien. I actually felt my attention drifting through it's relatively short running time.

Really enjoyed the concept, thought it was great. Was a little bit let down by the ending - it could really have done with a twist or some added layer of complexity; as it stood it was a decent watch but not a classic.

I think the ending was rather nice.
It was sort of open in that you don't know exactly what happened to them, but that they appeared to have lived fairly happily for a long time as sort of high tech castaways.
The scene with the crew walking into the central area to find the forest/garden like area with the hut, birds and the french matre'd robot whizzing around suggests that they built a life that was pleasant making the most of the situation (and based in some ways on Aurora's dream of life on a colony).
Mind you I'm used to open endings:)
It Comes At Night - Acting, atmosphere, cinemtography, music - 9/10

Story - -10/10

Haven't been so conflicted on a movie for a long time, up there with Babadook and The Witch with horrors highly regarded that ended up being utter tosh.
I think the ending was rather nice.
It was sort of open in that you don't know exactly what happened to them, but that they appeared to have lived fairly happily for a long time as sort of high tech castaways.
The scene with the crew walking into the central area to find the forest/garden like area with the hut, birds and the french matre'd robot whizzing around suggests that they built a life that was pleasant making the most of the situation (and based in some ways on Aurora's dream of life on a colony).
Mind you I'm used to open endings:)

I know what you mean. I guess I was expecting them to have kids or something like that perhaps? Or for there to be some deep company conspiracy and the ships aren't actually going to new worlds :p
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