What film did you watch last night?

Pacific Rim. Easily the best of the Transformers films.

I was actually really disappointed with this film. Felt kind of like a poor attempt at turning Evangelion anime into a coherent film. But I felt the film was too much squeezed into too little time so there was no real build up, just a rushed 'these guys are all amazing...now the big fight'. I think it would have benefitted with an extra film to spread across
I've accidentally booked myself watching La La Land again at the theatre. I thought I had booked the orchestra for the music but it turns out it's the film backed by a full orchestra playing all the music with the projection and the sound is mainly just the vocal track.

Currently at intermission and I found myself watching the orchestra more than the movie.
Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017) - 6/10

It’s definitely bigger than the first in scale and glamour, but that doesn’t necessarily make it better.

There are some good moments (and an inspired cameo) in the second half amidst the cacophony of over the top and entertaining action scenes, but there’s also a lot of flat jokes and unnecessary scenes to get through to get there.

The villain’s main plot is beyond silly and although the film always looks great with its range of stars and special effects, it lacks any depth, wit or charm.
Avatar - saw it again for the first time in years. It's easy to say 'hurrr we've seen this plot before' but the execution and detail (not just the visuals) is just stunning. The first half of the film is such a joy and is so easy to watch. The latter third sags a little and the climax is possibly the least interesting part as the plot then becomes inevitable. That said, great fun and believable world that makes it easy to forgive the aforementioned lesser parts. It was particularly fun this time around because I had forgotten the good bits - I'd previously been overzealous with my criticisms.


Thought it was complete garbage. The performances weren't very impressive, with hardly any notable interactions between characters. The screenplay was a definite weak point, as well as the score which didn't match what was on screen and tried to create a fake tension. A missed opportunity given the setting and possibilities of Dunkirk.

john wick 2 - 4/10 and i'm being generous. I enjoyed the 1st one but this so so unrealistic it was stupid. Apparently the police don't exist and nobody bats an eyelid at people constantly killing each other in the street. Also, everybody in the world is an assassin for no reason.
Autopsy of Jane Doe. Good horror film which I wasn't aware of until a friend mentioned it. Better than most of the recent horror films.
Free Fire - 7/10

Not at all what I was expecting, but I find Cillian Murphy is always worth a watch and Sharlto Copley is equally amusing and captivating whenever he stars in a film. Not having read about this I thought it was going to be a traditional crime caper. It wasn't but it was close enough that I didn't mind, and it didn't overstay it's welcome.
Kingsman 2 - 6/10 , it was "ok". Didnt feel it was as good as the first, the story seemed weaker, the film didnt flow as well as the first, the villain was better in the first and I preferred the whole rags to riches feel of the first. One thing I didnt like about this film was the overly pushy drugs are bad mmkay sentiments, particularly in the final scenes. I just found it somewhat ludicrous that it felt like I was being preached at that drugs are bad, but its fine to decapitate, slice people in half or put people through meat grinders and then cook and eat them, the whole drugs are bad but violence is fine a little unnecessary.
Atomic Blonde

Very similar in theme to Villainess which I saw a few days earlier. It even had a particular scene/stunt that was almost identical. For this particular film the fight scenes didn't feel as believable and some of them lingered a bit towards the gratuitous. Charlize Theron and James McAvoy were excellent as usual but not enough to save a disjointed film.

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