What film did you watch last night?

Baby Driver - 7.5/10. Pretty cool with a very good soundtrack.

THe Conjuring - 8/10. FINALLY got around to watching this - 2013 according to IMDB! Wow, excellent movie and really knows how to build the tension with a good few jump scenes. This movie really messed with the other half after watching.

We now have Conjuring 2 or It Follows to watch tonight - which one first?
Ip man 3 6/10

I was a big fan of the first two, especially the humour in the first. This felt like a poor version of fist of fury and the use of Mike Tyson must have seemed good on paper but he was awful.

Watched on Netflix and that minute or so before the HD kicked in made it look like it was a 70s martial arts film, maybe the full film like that would have improved the experience.
THe Conjuring - 8/10. FINALLY got around to watching this - 2013 according to IMDB! Wow, excellent movie and really knows how to build the tension with a good few jump scenes. This movie really messed with the other half after watching.

We now have Conjuring 2 or It Follows to watch tonight - which one first?

Conjuring 2 has better scares but a much worse story, based around the Enfield poltergeist which has been thoroughly debunked, even to the point of most people "affected" admitting they made it up. Heavily detracts from the movie.

The scene in the first one with the washing in the wind and that sheet scared the life out of me.

Oh...It Follows is one of the best pieces of horror in the last decade [/divisive]
ooooh! So which one first? Conjuring 2 or It Follows?

It was quite clever in that there were times when it built up the tension as to you were expecting a standard jump scare, but nothing and then when you weren't expecting anything - AAAAARGH!!!!! ie kid looking under bed:

"Oh no, something is under there".

"Oh wait, no there isn't".

"Ah, it will be there when she looks back up again - eh? No it isn't!"

"It's behind the door!!!!! ARGH!!!!!"

Because we are so desensitised and know what to expect in a step by step horror, writers have to write new ways of scaring us - i enjoyed this and just wish i had seen it years ago!
Eurotrip - 7/10
It's a silly comedy but very well done imo (one of the best teen comedy type films from the 00's), very funny without being over the top or too crass.
It gave me a much needed laugh:)
I absolutely love Eurotrip. It's wonderfully goofy and funny without being gross or crass.

Mi scuzi!!
ooooh! So which one first? Conjuring 2 or It Follows?

I've watched Conjuring 3 or 4 times, I probably won't watch the second again for a good few years yet.

It Follows...well, I could go on for days about how good it is but it's very divisive. I'm a born and bred horror fan which probably makes me love it all the more though.
Bit late to the party but I watched Spiderman Homecoming - and I genuinely think it was one of if not the best Marvel movies. The new actor portrays Peter Parker better than the other two.
I didn't know that was meant to be a Dalton Bond movie either - i honestly could not see him in this movie; Brosnan was great and one of the best Bond movies.

I started watching FRWL (Connery Bond) - that was a little painful to watch. Where Bond in later movies starts a boat chase, or he crashes through a wall in a tank etc etc the Bond music would start and send chills, in FRWL, he lands in Istanbul and is walking through the airport - Da Da Da DAAAAAAAA, Da Da Da. Bond enters a lift in a hotel - Da Da Da DAAAAAAAA, Da Da Da.

Still a great movie - but the music was made to much better effect in later movies.
The Walk. 5/10

Boring movie for such a spectacular achievement. The guy had massive cojones!!

The fact that it's an amazing true story is why I am giving it 5/10 instead of 1/10.
Finally watched
Wonder woman 7.5/10 Great movie much better then i expected.

I was expecting it to be just hype because it's the first superhero movie with a woman lead and a woman director but i'm glad i was wrong.

Gal Gadot still has a long way to go before she become a good actress but still better then what she did in Batman v Superman I would class here as a female channing tatum (from 10 years ago)
her accent got a bit annoying and hard to follow what she was saying, I'm starting to think she got hired due to political reasons not acting ability.
Patty Jenkins did a excellent job one of the best superhero movies, not just one of the best DC movies, What she was able to do with Gal Gadot abilities was amazing.

I thought Chris pine did a good job.
I'm starting to think she got hired due to political reasons not acting ability.
Obviously nothing to do with the fact that she's ridiculously hot and has a background in the military so is abundantly physically capable. Oh no, it's political. Translation: you apparently don't think an Israeli could possibly make it for any reasons besides political ones.
Obviously nothing to do with the fact that she's ridiculously hot and has a background in the military so is abundantly physically capable. Oh no, it's political. Translation: you apparently don't think an Israeli could possibly make it for any reasons besides political ones.

Aha, indeed. Stupid thing to say.
Shes also fantastic eye candy.

With a body like that you would never know that shes popped out two kids!
That's one of the political reasons, if i didn't know better i would have thought Michael bay hired her LOL.

Obviously nothing to do with the fact that she's ridiculously hot and has a background in the military so is abundantly physically capable. Oh no, it's political. Translation: you apparently don't think an Israeli could possibly make it for any reasons besides political ones.

I don't know about ridiculously hot but she is good looking which is one of the political reasons 2nd. she was cheap, if they wanted hot they could have just got a supermodel (would have been the same acting)

Background in military would count for nothing in Hollywood otherwise you would have loads of former US military in movies, plus most of her stunts and fights have been done by someone else. (so that was no help) also i'm sure hollywood has a good few Israeli actors/actress.

I've said this in my first post she's getting better but she has a long way to go yet, I compare her to Channing Tatum 10 years ago.

My feeling was if they got Ben affect and Henry Cavill they could have spent a little more time and got someone better for wonder woman. that my option her being israeli has nothing to do with it.

What would you have said if they got Megan fox for wonder woman ?

It's simple if shes lacking acting ability, has a accent and has made no other movies as the lead or with a good number of lines but still got hired for something like this what would you class it as ?

Why do some people get pitch folk out so easily with anything about Israeli even if nothing is said, in this case nothing was related to or said about Israel.

Am i classed as anti Semitic now ?
Her being a 'poor actress' is a fairly uncommon opinion. Not too say you're wrong as such, but it's not exactly an objective viewpoint. I mean, she's no Bergman just yet, but she's hardly 'poor'.

Plus, there's thousands of actors who've been hired on the spot for big roles having had no previous experience (even though she's had quite a bit).

What you're taking about is a Hollywood issue, not a political one. It likes casting attractive individuals because they sell motion pictures. Pointing specifically at Gadot here is not only unfair, but largely missing the wood for the trees.
Her being a 'poor actress' is a fairly uncommon opinion. Not too say you're wrong as such, but it's not exactly an objective viewpoint. I mean, she's no Bergman just yet, but she's hardly 'poor'.

I agree on this I don't class her as a poor actress anymore, she has got a better but not A list yet. I would class here as mid level with a good director, that is why I thought Patty Jenkins did a good job she was able to cover most of gals shortcomings.

Plus, there's thousands of actors who've been hired on the spot for big roles having had no previous experience (even though she's had quite a bit).
I wont go as far as thousands but the other actors/actresses with out experience most of them had worked the on stage or had proven themselves in some way. even Daisy Ridley.

What you're taking about is a Hollywood issue, not a political one. It likes casting attractive individuals because they sell motion pictures. Pointing specifically at Gadot here is not only unfair, but largely missing the wood for the trees.

Hollywood has a lot of politics involved so i class it as the same thing, most of the time to make a good movie it put to the side other times its front and centre.

In my option I dont think its unfair, she still needs to work on her acting and ascent, Patty Jenkins was able to get the most out of her but I dont expect that to happen often.
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