Shes also fantastic eye candy.
With a body like that you would never know that shes popped out two kids!
That's one of the political reasons, if i didn't know better i would have thought Michael bay hired her LOL.
Obviously nothing to do with the fact that she's ridiculously hot and has a background in the military so is abundantly physically capable. Oh no, it's political. Translation: you apparently don't think an Israeli could possibly make it for any reasons besides political ones.
I don't know about ridiculously hot but she is good looking which is one of the political reasons 2nd. she was cheap, if they wanted hot they could have just got a supermodel (would have been the same acting)
Background in military would count for nothing in Hollywood otherwise you would have loads of former US military in movies, plus most of her stunts and fights have been done by someone else. (so that was no help) also i'm sure hollywood has a good few Israeli actors/actress.
I've said this in my first post she's getting better but she has a long way to go yet, I compare her to Channing Tatum 10 years ago.
My feeling was if they got Ben affect and Henry Cavill they could have spent a little more time and got someone better for wonder woman. that my option her being israeli has nothing to do with it.
What would you have said if they got Megan fox for wonder woman ?
It's simple if shes lacking acting ability, has a accent and has made no other movies as the lead or with a good number of lines but still got hired for something like this what would you class it as ?
Why do some people get pitch folk out so easily with anything about Israeli even if nothing is said, in this case nothing was related to or said about Israel.
Am i classed as anti Semitic now ?