What film did you watch last night?

Alien Covenant

The first Alien film I have stopped watching part way through. That is some serious achievement as I made it through Aliens vs Predator Requiem!

Brain numbing stupidity as a means to forward on the 'plot' is one of my pet peeves so well and truly triggered :D
Interstellar 8/10

Thoroughly enjoyed it, wondered why it took me so long to getting around to watching it but normally this type of film is very hit and miss.

Ending left me wanting to see how they fared colonizing the new planet. Hope their is a sequel in the pipe line somewhere in the future.
I'll be watching Alien Covenant tomorrow night. I've read all of the bad press it gets and tbh, I'm not that bothered.... It's the premise that appeals. They could remake the same film with small variations 20 times(well they have really), and I'd still enjoy them I think. They haven't been great recently, but I still enjoy them.
I'll be watching Alien Covenant tomorrow night. I've read all of the bad press it gets and tbh, I'm not that bothered.... It's the premise that appeals. They could remake the same film with small variations 20 times(well they have really), and I'd still enjoy them I think. They haven't been great recently, but I still enjoy them.

Dont believe the bad press, I really enjoyed this movie
I subscribe to a guy of Youtube called "GoodBadFlicks" and he did a video on "Man of Steel". I have to say that after watching his video and then re-watching the film, I've completely changed my view of the film and actually think it's really good now. He's a smart guy. He also loves the same sort of trashy, B-movie nonsense I like. :)

IT (2017)

A few things first - 1, I don't watch many horror films not because I hate them or because they scare me but more that they make me uncomfortable. That being said, it is those feelings that is a sign of a good horror movie and this film delivers. A few occasions, especially at the first half of the movie my hair definitely stood up on the back of my neck.

Pennywise was really well done, not that scary, the idea of him is more scary than the physical manifestation of him but when he did appear, it worked brilliant.

The kids, brilliant, acting and casting too, which I got to say, that Beverley girl, the moment she turned up I was thinking Molly Ringwald and when that was mentioned it made me smile.

ps the evil kids got what they deserved, as they should.

Brilliant film. Go see!
About Gadot having an accent in the Wonder Woman, why does that actually matter? I mean, she is coming from a different world, does it matter that she doesn't speak with an American/English accent?

And sure, she might not be a class A actress, but she isn't completely useless and she have been in several movies before (including Fast & Furious movies).
About Gadot having an accent in the Wonder Woman, why does that actually matter? I mean, she is coming from a different world, does it matter that she doesn't speak with an American/English accent?

And sure, she might not be a class A actress, but she isn't completely useless and she have been in several movies before (including Fast & Furious movies).

No idea why it matters, perhaps comic books has sounds when you read them? I don't know, I've never read one.
Maybe. And after all, there is a hell of a lot of different accents around during our daily life anyway, so can't see why an accent would be an issue with a superhero/leading role in a movie. I'm at work right now and we have 7 different accents among the staff here right now. 7 members of staff, 7 different nationalities :D
I thought it was quite funny how the film was talked about in terms of girl power a lot, having a female director and how important it was that a female director was in charge of a film about strong women... then outside of the opening part of the film the woman to get the second most amount of time on camera was a bumbling idiot of a secretary, played by Dawn from the office who was absolutely god awful in it. I don't remember the stereotypical 'useless female' character being mentioned in all the 'girl power, woo' coverage around the film.

I thought there were good things about Wonder Woman, I quite liked it up to the front but then on everything involved managed to seemingly be within a 1 square mile area and in which all the rest of the 'team' was in effect utterly useless.

The kinda racist thing where the Chief's (itself kinda racist being called that) only purpose for being in the team at all was the smoke signals. The scottish dude whose real name I never remember, basically did nothing, neither did the actor dude. Then the whole thing where they get to the front, there are like 14 bad guys on the other side of the front lines who all ignored the other guys running at them. Then when they broke the lines there were a few guys in this town and no other germans. The line was broken but no-one reinforced, there wasn't people looking for them and they had this fancy dinner party seemingly 2 minutes from the front line. This also where the woman on the british side told her of the slavery and badness having seemingly crossed this completely uncrossable no-mans land herself with a baby and was somehow magically in this trench. It almost felt like everything up to this point made some level of sense then they ran out of budget so everything got condensed and pushed together, no elaborate sneaky plan to cross and get deep into German territory. Even the fact that the test of this weapon was for some reason on a local village with like twelve people on it rather than on the British lines or somewhere that made more sense.

I mean at the start of the film 1-2 dozen germans take on her and a whole band of semi super hero immortal(I'm not clear if they are all supposed to live forever?) super trained women, but they hit the front lines with one of them and there are less people in the trenches at the front line than are on a few row boats in the middle of nowhere in the ocean.

It was a good 6/10, maybe a 7/10, but from the front lines onwards everything felt so odd, everything basically close enough to see from the front lines, it was just all a bit easy and tame.
About Gadot having an accent in the Wonder Woman, why does that actually matter? I mean, she is coming from a different world, does it matter that she doesn't speak with an American/English accent?

And sure, she might not be a class A actress, but she isn't completely useless and she have been in several movies before (including Fast & Furious movies).

I actually thought the accent was quite important in a positive way - it would have been jarring if she spoke with English/American accent, her accent was perfect for the role - especially as it is not a particularly common accent you come across in day to day life (or maybe it is just me, but compared to the many other foreign accents I come across on a daily basis hers is uncommon) it was a fairly subtle accent, and I thought worked great for the character.


Regarding her acting, I don't think it was particularly bad - I found her screen time more enjoyable than Henry Cavill in BvS who I have now seen in a number of films, most of which I find him to be incredibly bland- when I saw Man of Steel I put it down to him playing the part of Superman, but having seen him in other things, it turns out to just be him
..My feeling was if they got Ben affect and Henry Cavill they could have spent a little more time and got someone better for wonder woman...

Better how? Better actress?

Did they need a better actress? This is a superhero movie. If she was cast in a movie with some good acting needed, maybe I would agree with you; besides, Cavill is not what I'd call a good actor. In my opinion, he's no better or worse than Gadot. The way you worded the above sentence though, it was as if they got a good actor to play Superman. He is capable enough for the part he is playing, just as Gadot is, but he was hired because he looks the part, just as Gadot was. Neither are bad or what I'd call good actors, but in a superhero movie, you just need someone who is capable enough do the job.
Flatliners (2017) - 4/10

Starts off strong as it sets the scene and introduces the characters, who although are a bit cliché, are likeable enough.

However, it doesn’t really know what it wants to do with itself in the middle – there are some good horror scenes and moments of creeping dread, but the plot becomes rote and character development isn’t that good or interesting.

The ending is a bit of a cop-out, and the out-of-body sequences aren’t particularly stylish or visually spectacular.
Flatliners (2017) - 4/10

Starts off strong as it sets the scene and introduces the characters, who although are a bit cliché, are likeable enough.

However, it doesn’t really know what it wants to do with itself in the middle – there are some good horror scenes and moments of creeping dread, but the plot becomes rote and character development isn’t that good or interesting.

The ending is a bit of a cop-out, and the out-of-body sequences aren’t particularly stylish or visually spectacular.
Sounds like it follows the original to the letter.
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