The early festival feedback for La La Land were amazing (if you go search reviews on YouTube) but it somehow this weird backlash appeared. I'm keeping my expectation low.
I think La La Land was over exposed because Hollywood loves patting itself on the back and it was very much an ode to Hollywood. When everyone else saw it, it didn't live up to the initial hype for a lot of people. For example, it's exactly the sort of film my wife should love, but she hasn't watched it "because all the hype has kind of put me off".
I don't think the new Blade Runner film will suffer from the same level of Hollywood-luvvie over exposure and over hype, because it's not that type of film.
As it is, everyone seems amazed that the film could be good, and a sequel no less. It's actually a bit sad that we're all so happy and amazed that Hollywood hasn't screwed it up, because expectations are that the studio would get it wrong, like they do so often.