What film did you watch last night?

It bombed at the box office because it was released at the same summer month as E.T., Poltergeist, Rocky III, Star Trek II and Tron. During that month Blade Runner and The Thing inevitably suffered and ended up being "second choice".

What a month of films!
Nocturnal Animals - 9/10

Really enjoyed this. It was uncomfortable viewing at points, but another home run by Tom Ford for me. Hope he doesn’t wait another 7 years to direct a film!
Alien Covenant - Well I thought to myself, can't be as bad as they're making it out to be can it??? Oh yes it can!!! How did that make the big screen? I want my 25 euro back.
I respect bladerunner for its originality but I don't find it a very entertaining film and I actually think it's a bit overrated from that perspective.
Watched it BR for the first time last night (yes, yes I know.. where have I been).

I was actually a little disappointed. I mean it was OK, visually for that era it was very good but the story was fairly dull.
Watched it BR for the first time last night (yes, yes I know.. where have I been).

I was actually a little disappointed. I mean it was OK, visually for that era it was very good but the story was fairly dull.
It's a 35 year old film. It was written for a completely different audience than today. It can't really compare to modern films. But people who love it would have seen it a long time ago when it was fresh and very different to what was around at the time (myself included).

It's a stunning film but anyone watching it for the first time now probably can't see what the fuss is about. The fact the visuals still hold up well after 35 years is impressive.
It's a 35 year old film. It was written for a completely different audience than today. It can't really compare to modern films. But people who love it would have seen it a long time ago when it was fresh and very different to what was around at the time (myself included).

It's a stunning film but anyone watching it for the first time now probably can't see what the fuss is about. The fact the visuals still hold up well after 35 years is impressive.
yes as i said, visually it holds up excellently. some of the physical sets wouldn't look out of place in modern films.

It's an old film, I get it.. Yet there are so many films from the same era with better story-lines. I failed to get the hype.
Mad Max: Fury Road

Hadn't seen it before. Was great. Love a post apocalyptic movie, and this was a good one. Just the right amount of ridiculous.
At the time, in terms of there was nothing like this ever before, the movie bombed at the box office. Only late on that it gained popularity over time through VHS.

Visually and soundtrack it is a stunning film, as an adaptation of the Philip K Dick story it is considerably weaker than Lynches adaptation of Hurbert's Dune IMHO!

I'm not aware if a good adaptation of a PKD story.
yes as i said, visually it holds up excellently. some of the physical sets wouldn't look out of place in modern films.

It's an old film, I get it.. Yet there are so many films from the same era with better story-lines. I failed to get the hype.

I saw it close to release, my mum is a huge fan, I find the story watered down and lacking in depth compared to the source, what to expect from an ad man director?
It's a 35 year old film. It was written for a completely different audience than today. It can't really compare to modern films. But people who love it would have seen it a long time ago when it was fresh and very different to what was around at the time (myself included).

It's a stunning film but anyone watching it for the first time now probably can't see what the fuss is about. The fact the visuals still hold up well after 35 years is impressive.
It's like watching Alien nowadays. It takes ages! Great film, mind you.

I find Blade Runner hard work to enjoy, but I do admire it.
It's like watching Alien nowadays. It takes ages! Great film, mind you.

Modern horrors should take note of Alien, it's over an hour into the movie before you see anything of the Alien, he knew how to craft slow build horror.

Or maybe it's just a sign of modern ADHD type audiences who have the patience of a 6 month old.
Modern horrors should take note of Alien, it's over an hour into the movie before you see anything of the Alien, he knew how to craft slow build horror.

Or maybe it's just a sign of modern ADHD type audiences who have the patience of a 6 month old.

Well it's kinda is the sign of modern society with its 140 characters, emoji and txt spk, they don't have patience for a good story.
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Or maybe it's just a sign of modern ADHD type audiences who have the patience of a 6 month old.

It's exactly that - ADHD audience. Alien: Covenant is the Alien made for millennials, in every sense of the world - it's a soft-reboot-disguised-as-a-sequel-to-a-prequel based on the same old story line with the same shock elements - the facehugger, the chestburster, the xenomorph. And just look how much poorer it is as a story and a movie. It's not even horror, just an action flick.

Same with Blade Runner - the original is presented as a linear noir story with psychological backbone, but has many beautiful layers to unwrap, and the way it is delivered still makes me, a 44 year old guy, sweat under my eye lids a little every single time I see it.
If it were made today, as a sci-fi flick the audience wouldn't have any of that stoic plot ambiguity - Nexus humanoid escapees would be expected to buldoze half of the city, preferably full of recognisable, iconic locations and Deckard would have to face at least two dozen of them across 90 minutes to reach the final twist point. Each duel would be announced with modern techno pounding soundtrack equivalent to shark arrival in Jaws. There wouldn't be any schmantsy-pantsy origami unicorn hints - the main character would know straight away, beyond any doubt that he himself is most definitely a replicant. And instead of lofty philosophical linguistic gymnastics about c-beams glittering in the dark off the shoulder of Orion and similar trivia, any twists and turns would be delivered to him as a word for word smug monologue by a final in-game boss like villain, in a language so plain and repetitive that even the guy who fell asleep at the screening would carry that one message out of the cinema with unfinished cup of pop corn, even if he missed everything else in the movie. There would be no ifs or buts, no untolds or unspokens, just plain and simple love story with many action fight scenes. Am I right about it - we'll find out on 5th of November. :)
Spider-Man Homecoming


Best Spider man film to date! Has a kinda Deadpool feel to how it's shot etc (which is a good thing).

Miles better than the last two recent efforts with Andrew Garfield which was total dross.

I hope there will be more Spider man films in the future with Tom Holland as they are on to a good formula here.
It's exactly that - ADHD audience. Alien: Covenant is the Alien made for millennials, in every sense of the world - it's a soft-reboot-disguised-as-a-sequel-to-a-prequel based on the same old story line with the same shock elements - the facehugger, the chestburster, the xenomorph. And just look how much poorer it is as a story and a movie. It's not even horror, just an action flick.

Same with Blade Runner - the original is presented as a linear noir story with psychological backbone, but has many beautiful layers to unwrap, and the way it is delivered still makes me, a 44 year old guy, sweat under my eye lids a little every single time I see it.
If it were made today, as a sci-fi flick the audience wouldn't have any of that stoic plot ambiguity - Nexus humanoid escapees would be expected to buldoze half of the city, preferably full of recognisable, iconic locations and Deckard would have to face at least two dozen of them across 90 minutes to reach the final twist point. Each duel would be announced with modern techno pounding soundtrack equivalent to shark arrival in Jaws. There wouldn't be any schmantsy-pantsy origami unicorn hints - the main character would know straight away, beyond any doubt that he himself is most definitely a replicant. And instead of lofty philosophical linguistic gymnastics about c-beams glittering in the dark off the shoulder of Orion and similar trivia, any twists and turns would be delivered to him as a word for word smug monologue by a final in-game boss like villain, in a language so plain and repetitive that even the guy who fell asleep at the screening would carry that one message out of the cinema with unfinished cup of pop corn, even if he missed everything else in the movie. There would be no ifs or buts, no untolds or unspokens, just plain and simple love story with many action fight scenes. Am I right about it - we'll find out on 5th of November. :)
I have hope for 2049 on the basis of arrival, but who knows.
here would be no ifs or buts, no untolds or unspokens, just plain and simple love story with many action fight scenes. Am I right about it - we'll find out on 5th of November. :)

I corrected only because after reading your piece I totally thought I had ****** up the release date and had to wait another month.
I have hope. The shorts were good, they made a point and built backstory.
The reviews all seem to glow. This might be false hope, but I really hope not.
I corrected only because after reading your piece I totally thought I had ****** up the release date and had to wait another month.
I have hope. The shorts were good, they made a point and built backstory.
The reviews all seem to glow. This might be false hope, but I really hope not.

The early festival feedback for La La Land were amazing (if you go search reviews on YouTube) but it somehow this weird backlash appeared. I'm keeping my expectation low.
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