What film did you watch last night?

The Good Dinosaur - Despite the film as a whole (in a general sense) becoming very predictable very quickly, it’s often intriguing and surprisingly frightening for a kids film. Lots of helplessness in there. Very emotional too - probably one of my favourite Pixar films to date. A minor note... Very beautiful visually but my god don’t they know it and like to show it off - felt like it was a tech demo at times, they need to watch out for that!

Justice League (2017) - 7/10

A solid performance that does well with each of the new characters it introduces.

The action scenes are impressive to watch and the film successfully balances the lighter side of superheroes with the darker tone and setting of the series.

The main villain is a bit bland, the characters could have been more developed and the one liners were pretty awful, but it stays entertaining throughout and never gets too bogged down in lore or meaningless action scenes.
Brigsby Bear.

Just got back from an Odeon Screen Unseen showing of this film and have to say it’s not a film I’d of ever chosen to go see at the cinema and I’m not sure I’d ever have bothered watching it on TV. If that had been the case I’d have missed out.

This was a damn good film that is well worth a watch and, if you like somewhat strange and quirky films, then this is well worth a watch.
Hilary and Jackie. Based on the true story of cellist Jacqueline du Pre and her sister Hilary. Jacqueline is blessed and cursed with extraordinary talent and struggles with the fame that follows. Her career was cut short by MS and she died very young.

The film stars Emily Watson as Jackie and she is excellent throughout, and there’s a good supporting cast. It’s fairly harrowing seeing how she struggled with her life and was then cut down in her prime. There’s some pretty messed up stuff going on at times.

The film attracted no small amount of controversy, being released just 10 years after her death, and leading to much protest from the husband and child who survived her, and her friends. It doesn’t shy away from some pretty weird bits of her personal life.

Good but heavy. Excellent score, as you’d expect for something like this.
Justice League- 6/10

Some decent moments, but it felt quite rushed and was quite boring tbh.

Flash was the best thing about it. I've seen lots of complaints about the bad guy, but I thought he was decent, judging by the low standards of comic book bad guys.
Baby Driver

Really enjoyed this. I'm not surprised as I'm a sucker for a well made action film with brilliant sound track.

Baby Driver this I really liked this, nicely acted pretty good script. The acting and camera work are great and it is filmed with a great sense of style I completely understand why it was so lauded on release. 5/5
I thought it was trying too hard to emulate Drive (to a degree) and failed badly. Spacey didn't come out of his acting safe-zone and Foxx was just tiresome. 3/10 from me.

I watched Wind River and was pleasantly surprised....as one of the IMDB reviews calls it "a slow-burn crime thriller", I'd rate it 7/10.
Justice League. It wasn't awful, in fact it was pretty good, but you can really tell it's been hacked to pieces in the editing room. Some decent characters, although Aquaman did seem a little bit of a loose end at times. I get the feeling a lot of his scenes bit the dust. The Extended/directors cut should be better. Compared to Transformers the Last Knight it's a masterpiece, but that's not saying much. 6/10
I thought it was trying too hard to emulate Drive (to a degree) and failed badly. Spacey didn't come out of his acting safe-zone and Foxx was just tiresome. 3/10 from me.

I watched Wind River and was pleasantly surprised....as one of the IMDB reviews calls it "a slow-burn crime thriller", I'd rate it 7/10.
I recently re-watched Drive and it has a very different tone to Baby Driver. Drive is a LOT darker.

I think if Spacey had gone any crazier then it would have been OTT, it was a happy medium. He played the part as it was supposed to be.

Foxx was probably the one character that I didn't gel with, but I think everything else was very well done.

3/10 is comically low, that's a Justice League score! :p
I recently re-watched Drive and it has a very different tone to Baby Driver. Drive is a LOT darker.

I think if Spacey had gone any crazier then it would have been OTT, it was a happy medium. He played the part as it was supposed to be.

Foxx was probably the one character that I didn't gel with, but I think everything else was very well done.

3/10 is comically low, that's a Justice League score! :p
Same here, so a comparison was on the cards really. Buddy was the only character that stood out for me. Maybe I was just expecting too much after seeing the trailers...?
What strikes me is I can't remember a single track from the latter film, yet everyone raves about the music.

I'll bump it up to a 4.5 purely for the inclusion of an Impreza!! :cool:
@enkoda I agree Fox is the worst thing in it, I too find him tiresome, but he didn't ruin the movie for me. Spacey did just enough but his character was only their to provide context to the plot for me. I really did enjoy the film, I doubt I'll be talking about it in 10 years time but it easily one of the best movies I've seen this year.
Daddys Home 2 - 8/10. Its a Christmas film, so expect lots of cheese and rainbows. Its also the usual Will Farrel fare, but for what it is and the warm fuzziness of it, I have to give it a good score. It delivers in what it aims to do, its not going to win Oscars or awards but as a feel good xmas flick, it delivers.
Daddys Home 2 - 8/10. Its a Christmas film, so expect lots of cheese and rainbows. Its also the usual Will Farrel fare, but for what it is and the warm fuzziness of it, I have to give it a good score. It delivers in what it aims to do, its not going to win Oscars or awards but as a feel good xmas flick, it delivers.
8/10? Hmmm. Colour me sceptical. 17% on RT. Even IMDb only has it at 6.2.

Will Ferrell has done precisely one funny thing in his life, and that’s more cowbell.
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