What film did you watch last night?

THE FORCE AWAKENS. I remember thinking this was good, on second viewing I realise I was quite wrong. It's corny as hell, and the acting is shocking in parts. Plus any film with the words Canja club instantly gets a 2/10. Sounds like some 80s synth band.

Similar to all the current revenge films of late, expected something special from Chan but it was pretty flat. Watchable but I did find myself glancing at my phone every now and again. 5/10
Lady In The Water - 8.5/10

Actually one of (IMHO) Shaymalan's better movies, kind of drags you in to this group of rather oddball characters living in a downbeat apartment block whose world borders on a fantasy universe. The music is what nails it and this gruff old dinosaur had a tear in his dry eyes at a couple of moments.
THE FORCE AWAKENS. I remember thinking this was good, on second viewing I realise I was quite wrong. It's corny as hell, and the acting is shocking in parts. Plus any film with the words Canja club instantly gets a 2/10. Sounds like some 80s synth band.

Similar to all the current revenge films of late, expected something special from Chan but it was pretty flat. Watchable but I did find myself glancing at my phone every now and again. 5/10
Force Awakens really doesn't hold up to repeated viewings. Harrison Ford phones it in from the other side of the world, so much cheese and corny lines too. I'm still going to see TLJ at the IMAX but not holding my breath. Rogue One is by far a better film than TFA.
I thought force awakens was poor too. Just a rehash of a new hope with characters you never really care about.

Still, it's better than Lucas prequels (Apart from sith which was ok), although only just.

Rogue one much the better film.
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Lion - one of those based on a true story types which does grab you from the get go and I think it must have been very dry in here as my eyes started watering near the end! The story of one man's life starts and finishes in a pretty poor part of India via Tasmania. 4/5
John Wick 2. How this has a better IMDb rating than the original John Wick is absolutely beyond me. It sprawls all over the place and it’s incoherent. The first was clean and tight and got on with things, this is all over the shop. The gunplay wasn’t nearly as good as the first, and there were too many bits where people should clearly not be surviving what they are doing. I’m suspending disbelief at his absurd handiness with a gun, not the ability of his bones not to break when he’s thrown down a mile long stone staircase. He didn’t come off nearly as pro as he should - why take a pump action shotgun and then faff around trying to reload it all the way through a gunfight? That struck me as “it’ll look cool when he has to reload his shotgun all the time” rather than “John Wick is a ludicrous badass and would pick the best tool for the job”. If you must take a shotgun, take one with box or drum magazines.

The Raid 2 8/10

Was on channel 4. I've not seen the first movie only this sequel. Great fun with completely over the top violence. A little hard to follow who was who and what was going on at times, but reading the plot afterwards has clarified everything.
The final boss fight was epic, predictable and very entertaining, but got a bit silly as it went on too long.

Raid 1 and 2 are two of the best martial arts flicks for a long long time.
Wonder Woman - very enjoyable female centric superhero film. Very reminiscent of Captain America but not at all bad. Some of the action is so fast it can be hard to keep up, especially with such fine thighs distracting you. 3/5
Force Awakens really doesn't hold up to repeated viewings. Harrison Ford phones it in from the other side of the world, so much cheese and corny lines too. I'm still going to see TLJ at the IMAX but not holding my breath. Rogue One is by far a better film than TFA.

Didn't even get a second viewing from me. There were too many bits that I thought were absolutely terrible to watch it again. Got some hope that Last Jedi won't be as bad. Not having JJ Abrams involved is an instant plus. Sadly, he'll be back for episode 9 though, which will doubly suck if Last Jedi is better than expected.
Justice League - after Wonder Woman on Saturday saw this yesterday and I have to say it was better than I was expecting. The story was fine and the performances were good enough. I had bit of an issue with Extra Miller as the Flash purely because we like Grant Gustin so much as TV Flash. I still think that Ben Affect is a good Batman and would like to see a film with him passing the mantle on. I still prefer the MCU though. 3/5
Atomic Blonde - 6/10

I didn't enjoy this anywhere near as much as I was expecting. Some of the fight scenes were good but on the whole I found the plot really lacking. Plus they didn't seem to respect the time period it was supposed to be set in at all...using music and props from outside the era.
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