What film did you watch last night?

The Adjustment Bureau. 8/10

I really enjoyed this. (I had seen it previously, but didn’t really pay much attention)

I just thought it was great all the way through. :)
Kingsmen 2 : The Golden Circle - 4/10 - I really enjoyed the "sleeper hit" first film and I think this one struggles with the expectation TBH. It felt overly long and slow paced with a very predictable "twist" ending which was very obviously set-up. I also felt the supporting cast were mis-used and wasted for the most part, especially Halle Berry & Julianne Moore. I did like the few action scenes and felt they were handled as well as the first film, but there just wasn't enough of them within the very long runtime. I also liked anti-James Bond feel that was carried over from the first but I felt the constant flip-flopping of Eggsy's character from Spy to Chav to Spy a bit forced.

Overall I didn't feel it lived up to the first film and that, looking back, most of the cast/crew would probably agree.

Atomic Blonde - 6/10 - My one big issue, despite liking the film, is that it's shown as a post-action interview (aka a flashback), meaning you know the main character "Lorriane" survives the events of the film which really sucks the threat she faces out of the film and I really think the film suffers for it. The script is tight with barely any wasted moments, Charlize Theron is very good as a female "Jason Bourne" type spy and James McAvoy seemed to be having lots of fun playing a slightly deranged/burned out spy. The stand out for me was the action scenes which seemed to be done largely by the actors themselves rather than stuntmen which was good to see , especially the last fight scene in the stairwells which was particularly brutal. The extra sub-plot about a British mole felt redundant along with the unnecessary twist ending.

Overall I liked it despite being a fairly limited film but the use of flashback just ruined any suspense for me.

6 Days - 4/10 -
The Iranian Embassy siege has never seemed so bland despite the action scenes at the end. I'd read Rusty's book (on which the film is based) so I was very surprised to see to many mistakes being made when you have both a book to follow and the actual person on set as a technical advisor. Despite feeling like I was constantly saying "thats not right" most of the way through the film I did enjoy the tension during the negotiation phase and thought Mark Strong did a really good job but Jamie Bell (playing Rusty) and the guy playing John McAleese (the two main SAS characters) were pretty poor/bland, and the COBRA scenes felt overly dramatised. When the action does finally kick-off I felt there was several scenes which were very quickly glossed over and that their omission/lack of detail hurt the story (male hostages being shot in the Telex room & the final stairwell death). I also didn't feel the film needed the Kate Adie sub-plot taking up so much screentime considering how minor it was to the whole story.

Overall the negotiation scenes carried the film quite well until the inevitable showdown but the constant amount of mistakes kept drawing me out of the film.
Justice League - I had bit of an issue with Extra Miller as the Flash purely because we like Grant Gustin so much as TV Flash.

Really? Given how tv Flash the show has gone down the toilet over the last few seasons I would have thought love for Gustin would have died out. Not that there is anything wrong with him per se, but as the show gets worse so does his representation as the Flash (not through his own fault, just crappy script). I would think it is wise for the movies to distance themselves from TV shows
When they first announced Miller as the film Flash I was annoyed because I thought Gustin should be in them for continuity and the fact I really liked the first few series, but now I'm glad he's not as i liked Miller in JL and I'm looking forward to a Flash film.

If we had the current TV series Flash in films I'm sure I wouldn't want to see them.
Bushwick - 2/10 - Awful. Dave Bautista has the excuse that he's not really a "range" actor but Brittany Snow has no excuse, she's just awful. The only thing I liked is the one attempt at decent film-making by trying to make everything look like is was one continuous shot and the very last shot showing the conflict being wider than the films initial scope, but everything else - story, direction, editing, stunts, CGI etc - is all just awful.
Remains Of The Day.

Christ, That was a hard slog, it started off slowly, then it sagged in the middle, and the flaccid end couldn't have come quicker for me.
Hopkins flatters to decieve, he was just doing his stary inscrutable Lecter schtick all over again.
John Wick Chapter 2 - 7/10

Enjoyed it for what it was. Nice to see Laurence Fishburne opposite him again, oh and the Commodore VIC20 was a nice touch (even if the operating system was Hollywood fake).
I thought it was bloody brilliant!

Took this snapshot while watching, I loved this scene:


What a marvelous aircraft.
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I echo FlakGunna's sentiment...Dunkirk was ok. I was expecting to be blown away (a la Private Ryan's beginning or Hacksaw Ridge), but it was more of a mood piece for me.
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