Baby Driver - 7/10 - While I liked this it definitely feels more about style over substance for me. The stunts and audio timing were fantastic, along with the "look" but I felt the plot/story, while entertaining, was pretty much "seen it all before" however I really like Edgar Wrights direction style so I've probably rated the film higher because of that.
One plot point I felt really stood out was why on earth Kevin Spacey's character would continue to deal with such an utter psychopath such as Bats (Jamie Foxx) after his 1st heist with him went so badly, compared to the previous smooth heist with John Hamm's crew?
One plot point I felt really stood out was why on earth Kevin Spacey's character would continue to deal with such an utter psychopath such as Bats (Jamie Foxx) after his 1st heist with him went so badly, compared to the previous smooth heist with John Hamm's crew?
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