What film did you watch last night?

Baby Driver - 7/10 - While I liked this it definitely feels more about style over substance for me. The stunts and audio timing were fantastic, along with the "look" but I felt the plot/story, while entertaining, was pretty much "seen it all before" however I really like Edgar Wrights direction style so I've probably rated the film higher because of that.

One plot point I felt really stood out was why on earth Kevin Spacey's character would continue to deal with such an utter psychopath such as Bats (Jamie Foxx) after his 1st heist with him went so badly, compared to the previous smooth heist with John Hamm's crew?
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Also watched this last night.

I quite enjoyed it, the story didn't have much depth but the visuals and the cinematography were great, loved the spitfire scenes and Farrier was awesome.

Nothing happens though and the fact it’s rated 12 you don’t see any decent war scenes.

Some people on a small boat rescuing a bloke from a sinking plane, a few soldiers hiding in a boat and then loads of people queuing up to go home.

What a pile of ****.
Nothing happens though and the fact it’s rated 12 you don’t see any decent war scenes.

Some people on a small boat rescuing a bloke from a sinking plane, a few soldiers hiding in a boat and then loads of people queuing up to go home.

What a pile of ****.

Haha yeah basically!
The Disaster Artist (2017) - 9/10

A thoroughly entertaining and funny documentary about the making of the “worst movie ever made”.

You can’t help but feel sorry for Wiseau (and everyone else) as the travesty of the movie comes to fruition, but you’ll also grimace with embarrassment and be amazed at the kind of man Tommy actually was.

Good use of lookalike actors and the film keeps your interest, although it is a bit slow to get going at the start.
Nothing happens though and the fact it’s rated 12 you don’t see any decent war scenes.

Some people on a small boat rescuing a bloke from a sinking plane, a few soldiers hiding in a boat and then loads of people queuing up to go home.

What a pile of ****.

That's probably because you're watching it simply as a form of entertainment and nothing more. I watch stuff like that and all the while I'm thinking to myself "****, this happened for real" and it really puts things into perspective. I thought it was brilliant.
Jumanji - Surprisingly enjoyable and packed full of gags and jokes. Didnt see the first one but i dont think it matter all that much. The Rock was his usual self and did a excellent job as always and Karen GIillan surprisingly played a sexy bad ass called Ruby Roundhouse. However Jack Black and Kevin Hart were excellent and very funny which for me stole the show. Overall just a fun, action packed popcorn flick where you can switch off and be immersed in the world of Jumanji. 7/10.

Molly's Game - This is a real gem and imo going to be one of the best films i have watched over the year. Jessica Chastain was great and carried the movie extremely well. Idris Elba demonstrates what a superb actor and really shines. The acting was superb with great supporting cast including Kevin Costner. I want to watch this again as the film was well directed and cleverly shot. Definitely one for those that like the gambling theme. 9/10
The main issue I had with Dunkirk was, much like many of Nolan's films, everything is so clean and clinical and exact. Dunkirk never went beyond being a movie about what happened, rather than what happened retold, if that makes sense.


It was OK but nothing special really. Seemed quite a low budget film overall.

Right...so low budget films cannot be any good?

Now make more sense and offer an opinion with some meaning. Dunkirk was far from low budget.

I think the film maybe just went over your head. Many people didn't get it tbh.:p

Dunkirk is pure cinema. 10/10

The main issue I had with Dunkirk was, much like many of Nolan's films, everything is so clean and clinical and exact. Dunkirk never went beyond being a movie about what happened, rather than what happened retold, if that makes sense.

No your post makes no sense. I think you are trying to sound clever but completely failing at it.Please can you elaborate?

I echo FlakGunna's sentiment...Dunkirk was ok. I was expecting to be blown away (a la Private Ryan's beginning or Hacksaw Ridge), but it was more of a mood piece for me.

Hacksaw ridge in the same sentance as SPR?


Spat my coffee out!

Nothing happens though and the fact it’s rated 12 you don’t see any decent war scenes.

Some people on a small boat rescuing a bloke from a sinking plane, a few soldiers hiding in a boat and then loads of people queuing up to go home.

What a pile of ****.

hahahahahahahahahahahaha I see the spitfire flew right over your head too :p
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Mods - Can we please ban Easyrider from posting in this thread? No matter how many times it's said to him that people are allowed to have different opinions he keeps insulting people with his "You're opinion is wrong, I know better than you do" statements insinuating his opinion is "fact" rather than just another opinion, which doesn't bring anything to this thread at all.

Spiderman Homecoming - 6/10 - Fairly average Marvel movie TBH, although the "baddie" had a lot more back story than usual which made him a better character for spidey to battle against. Tom Holland seems to suit the role quite well but doesn't really jump off the screen in the way RDJ did in the first Iron Man for example. While I thought the film was OK it really felt like it was missing something, some kind of X-Factor, despite having some really good stunt sequences and a decent script, but it looks like it should be a good addition to the MCU.
Mods - Can we please ban Easyrider from posting in this thread? No matter how many times it's said to him that people are allowed to have different opinions he keeps insulting people with his "You're opinion is wrong, I know better than you do" statements insinuating his opinion is "fact" rather than just another opinion, which doesn't bring anything to this thread at all.

Care to quote me ? Never said their opinion was wrong...I said one opinion didn't make sense. And asked a question about low budget film making and quality...

And stating Dunkirk is **** does bring something to this thread? If people want to give an opinion. Then I can provide mine.

It's how a forum works.

Time and time again...people don't like films...that's fine....but at least give a valid reason. I do , so I don't see why there is one rule for one and not for all...

Dunkirk is ace innit....if we want to drag the thread to that level then that's a shame...

The Disaster Artist (2017) - 9/10

A thoroughly entertaining and funny documentary about the making of the “worst movie ever made”.

You can’t help but feel sorry for Wiseau (and everyone else) as the travesty of the movie comes to fruition, but you’ll also grimace with embarrassment and be amazed at the kind of man Tommy actually was.

Good use of lookalike actors and the film keeps your interest, although it is a bit slow to get going at the start.

Have you seen The Room?

Interesting to see if the film stands on its own with prior knowledge of the seeing The Room first...

Spiderman Homecoming - 6/10 - Fairly average Marvel movie TBH, although the "baddie" had a lot more back story than usual which made him a better character for spidey to battle against. Tom Holland seems to suit the role quite well but doesn't really jump off the screen in the way RDJ did in the first Iron Man for example. While I thought the film was OK it really felt like it was missing something, some kind of X-Factor, despite having some really good stunt sequences and a decent script, but it looks like it should be a good addition to the MCU.

So can I now post my opinion? Or will that upset you if it doesn't match yours ? Will you get all upset if I disagree?
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dunkirk is an excellent thrilling film, with amazing cinematography, certainly the best pure cinema film I have seen in a long time

its just a very focused view of the battle from a few peoples POV (which makes it far more realistic IMHO)
people just get silly ideas about every war film needing to be a massive epic battle or SPR style combat scenes
dunkirk is an excellent thrilling film, with amazing cinematography, certainly the best pure cinema film I have seen in a long time

its just a very focused view of the battle from a few peoples POV (which makes it far more realistic IMHO)
people just get silly ideas about every war film needing to be a massive epic battle or SPR style combat scenes

Excellent post....not because it's right on the money in terms of the film...but a balanced intelligent response on one of the finest war films ever made.

The score itself is terrifyingly breath taking....I went for a coffe after and couldn't speak....My 17 year old was speechless too.
Atomic Blonde - 6/10

TBH hard to see why this got so much hype.

Seemed to be a mix of Funeral In Berlin, Bourne, Salt, Smiley and Haywire. However I couldn't make head nor tail of the plot other than it involved some sort of NOC list plus Eddie Marsan (who had a better part in Pierrepoint when he walked to the trapdoor and got hanged) wanting to defect when if he'd waited 24 hours he could have walked across the demolished wall! Tried to make too many twists and turns and just who was working for who as a double or even triple agent.

While a refreshing change from the current tendency to gib and crush everyone in a movie the much vaunted violence was slapstick at best, very little gore.

I know this will get me flamed but it seems the producers decided to merge a sub standard spy story with 80's kitsch in the hope it would sell by the bucketload.

Give me Michael Caine in FIB as "Innglish" every time..
Don't Breathe - 7/10. Pretty dark in places and had a couple of silly decisions by our 'heroes'.

But tbh, they 3 kids were scum so i had no empathy for them ergo they deserved everything they got.


I get the blind guy dissolved/hid teh body, but he landed in the basement and shot himself - therefore police/paramedics would have had to go into the basement and surely they would have found the 'prison' he made and all his other freaky stuff.

Even if he crawled back upstairs and the authorities found him there, they would have still searched the whole house for evidence (crime scene) and also found his freaky stuff.
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If all you want from your war films is explosions then your probably won't enjoy it.

I like both?

Atomic Blonde - 6/10

TBH hard to see why this got so much hype.

Seemed to be a mix of Funeral In Berlin, Bourne, Salt, Smiley and Haywire. However I couldn't make head nor tail of the plot other than it involved some sort of NOC list plus Eddie Marsan (who had a better part in Pierrepoint when he walked to the trapdoor and got hanged) wanting to defect when if he'd waited 24 hours he could have walked across the demolished wall! Tried to make too many twists and turns and just who was working for who as a double or even triple agent.

While a refreshing change from the current tendency to gib and crush everyone in a movie the much vaunted violence was slapstick at best, very little gore.

I know this will get me flamed but it seems the producers decided to merge a sub standard spy story with 80's kitsch in the hope it would sell by the bucketload.

Give me Michael Caine in FIB as "Innglish" every time..

You did better than me...I managed 40 mins and turned it off...:p

It was one of those films while watching it I realised I was actually wasting my life...
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