Time and time again...people don't like films...that's fine....but at least give a valid reason. I do , so I don't see why there is one rule for one and not for all...
They do, it's called their "opinion" yet because you don't like it or you don't consider it to be "valid" you believe that gives you the right to start an argument by saying things like -
No your post makes no sense. I think you are trying to sound clever but completely failing at it.
Every single time you pipe up in this thread it's to argue that your opinion is the right one and everyone else's is wrong and you can't stop doing it, because this is about the 5th-6th time I've called you out on this exact same thing, especially after the Star Wars Ep7 thread where people ended up having to ask you to leave the thread because they were all so sick of your constant arguing every time someone posted a positive opinion, which was de-railing the thread.
For the last time (I'm not replying again), this isn't a discussion thread where someone posts "I like Film A, what did you think of it" and you can then tell them why they're wrong a hundred times, it's a "what did you watch last night" thread where you tell people what you watched last night and sometimes add an opinion of what you thought, that's all. Having someone then tell you "well your opinion is wrong" in a not very nice way (like your quote above) isn't good for the forum because people don't want to get into an argument over it.
If you want a "film Discussion" thread then start new thread and I will gladly discuss films in that.
So can I now post my opinion? Or will that upset you if it doesn't match yours ? Will you get all upset if I disagree?
Just post your own opinion of the film, I don't care if its different than mine because......................IT'S YOUR OPINION.................not mine, so I'm not going to tell you whether I think you're right or wrong because it'll only start an argument, just like your replies above to combat fighter, misschief, x-st and clov!s have started this one.