What film did you watch last night?

Split - best film M. Night Shamalamadingdong has made in years! Helped by the leads, very enjoyable. Looking forward to the sequel now, also would have been good to be an investor on the film, cost $9, made almost $300! 4/5
Moonlight 7/10.

Good film, but that’s it. Wouldn’t say it was anywhere near as amazing as it’s made out to be. Mahershala Ali did good, but Oscar worthy?! I am a fan of his but it seemed pretty standard from him.
Just checked that out on IMDB, thanks...will add to my list of must watch :)
It's on Amazon Prime (which surprised me a bit), I just went to check the price of it to add it to my basket but no need :)
I'll probably watch it in a few days/weeks as I've currently got about 15 films and 4 series to watch first :D
La La Land


Not usually much of a fan of musicals, but this is quite original. I felt that it was a film made better with a musical. It's stylish, vibrant and with a story that's simple yet charming. Tips of the hat to old musicals and 50s to 60s style.
Loved the music and the use of minor being melancholy yet hopeful.

Much respect to Ryan Gosling leaning jazz piano, the long single shots and Emma Stone being awesome as usual.
I thoroughly enjoyed it as well, despite not being a real musical fan, I quite liked the fact they'd done a sound mix intended for headphone use as well as surround, especially as I've not been able to use my surround much over the last couple of years (most of my film viewing has been late night).
I actually thought that one was ok. Not amazing, but not awful. Enjoyed it equally as much as Get Out even though they're entirely dissimilar.

I enjoyed Get Out, but with It Follows i found it slow and the actual plot was well, stoopid! STI ghosts. I did love the soundtrack (The Thing'esque) and the scenery.

It did lend a lot to Halloween and other 80 horror, but it came off as a lot of style with little substance.

After reading the reviews and been saving it for a few months, maybe i had built up the expectation, but meh from me.
was in the mood for a train movie and i had already seen the excellent Train to Busan so tried watching Murder on orient express but it was meh so watched..

Snowpiercer 7.6/10 pretty good film kept me interested.
Watched Mother 7/10 - An uncomfortable watch which I guess is what the director intended. Others have said they had no clue what it was about but then I again I always enjoy those sorts of movies.
In Bruges

I have vivid memories of turning this off about half an hour in the first time round, apparently because I was a massive ****. Brilliant film making! The now infamous "Having a go at my kids scene" destroyed me!

Swiss Army Man

Eughhhh, I absolutely adored it. There's nothing else like it out there and that alone makes it worth watching. the narrative tools and constructs it uses help propel its very poignant themes forward in such a unique way. God I loved it!
Marathon Man

I really like this film, Olivier is awesome in it, Hoffman's good too and it's got a well paced plot. But for the quality of the film and the cars/clothes it'd look pretty good as a new film today. Twisty turny thriller with an unforgettable torture sequence. Whilst I'm uncertain how much I like the ending, on the whole it's definitely worth seeing, especially as 40 year old films often get overlooked.
The untamed

What the hell did I just watch?? Not quite what I was expecting. The alien penis monster was freaky to say the least :p

Umm, kind of intriguing I guess, so maybe 6/10
Sling Blade. Written by Billy Joe Thornton. Directed by Billy Joe Thornton. Screenplay by Billy Joe Thornton. Stars Billy Joe Thornton as Sling Blade.

Fine example of Southern Gothic.

I rate Sling Blade at 26.64 on the Haglee Scale, which works out as a brooding 8/10 on IMDB.
In Bruges

I have vivid memories of turning this off about half an hour in the first time round, apparently because I was a massive ****. Brilliant film making! The now infamous "Having a go at my kids scene" destroyed me!

Swiss Army Man

Eughhhh, I absolutely adored it. There's nothing else like it out there and that alone makes it worth watching. the narrative tools and constructs it uses help propel its very poignant themes forward in such a unique way. God I loved it!

That is one fine evening's entertainment!

Both films were low budget, indie types that had some seriously dark and explosively funny moments.
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