What film did you watch last night?

Felt like it was trying to recapture that Fifth Element magic. Fifth Element is one of those rare movies that you know is a bit trashy and bad but it just works and comes together brilliantly.

Fifth element was great fun and had a certain style. Characters actually had some chemistry too. Unlike the steaming pile of excrement that is valerian.
Akira - the Japanese anime.

I’ve watched this many times but it’s only now that I can be honest and say it’s actually not that exciting. Perhaps more ‘important’ than it is good (for introducing western audiences to anime)? The animation is at times excellent but at other times very dated. The characters aren’t really developed at all and the plot can’t carry it through repeated re-runs... you just end up waiting for ‘the good bit’ towards the end which is still pretty slow paced. The ending is also infuriatingly vague.

Definitely worth watching if you haven’t seen it but otherwise 3/5.
If you haven’t seen it then The Boys on Amazon Prime.

Cheers, I will check it out later today.

Edit: forgot to mention that I saw Oldboy last night (Josh Brolin). I thought I had seen part of it before but as it turns out, I must have seen it all. Still, I thoroughly enjoyed watching it again. Recommended.
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Once Upon a Time...in Hollywood.

I enjoyed Tarantino’s early work but the second half of his filmography hasn’t excited me. This film encapsulates that but in reverse. The film is almost a series of vignettes, there is no real as such we just follow a series of people through their lives in 1969. The first half I found somewhat pretentious and boring but the second half was excellent culminating in a sequence that earned the film its 18 certificate

First half 3/10, second half 9/10.
Once Upon a Time...in Hollywood.

I enjoyed Tarantino’s early work but the second half of his filmography hasn’t excited me. This film encapsulates that but in reverse. The film is almost a series of vignettes, there is no real as such we just follow a series of people through their lives in 1969. The first half I found somewhat pretentious and boring but the second half was excellent culminating in a sequence that earned the film its 18 certificate

First half 3/10, second half 9/10.

Really? I thought it was pretentious and boring the entire movie. It's just Tarantino's own fears spread over a painful 3 hours.


why even include the mundane life of Sharon Tate if you're going to change it all anyway at the end just to construct the end scene (Rick walking into the Polanski residence) and thus reassuring the viewer everything is going to be ok? It's just so stretched and painful

I did enjoy the 60s retro feel and the cinematography.
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Interesting. Aquaman is the worst thing i've seen in recent memory, but I thoroughly enjoyed Valarian. Good, light-hearted space romp.

I drew their similarity from the heavy reliances on pretty visuals to keep the viewer hooked. While Aquaman at least has a charistmatic lead with Momoa, the two leads in Valerian were completely vacant. Also...eyebrows :D
I've not seen Aquaman, and I think I'll continue to avoid it then haha.

As others have said, it has the bright pretty visuals things that Fifth Element (which was a good movie) and Valerian (which was a bad movie) had, which makes it marginally watchable.

The story, villain(s), etc are contrived, cliched and generally just crap.

That said, I would love to be the filling in a Mera and Atllana sandwich!
I've just seen Once Upon A Time in Hollywood. Tricky movie, not as eventful as other Tarantino movies, but it got a great cinematography and filming. It might be better on a second viewing, but that would have to wait until it's released on dvd. At the moment I probably would score it 6/10. In some ways a typical Tarantino ending though.
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