What film did you watch last night?

Cats - 1/10

Just dreadful, I fell asleep a few times and the wife felt like walking out. As a stage show it was ok but it just doesn't work as a movie. No story what so ever.

I rarely say this without actually watching a film....as I feel you can't have an opinion on a film unless you have seen it, But in the case of Cats...I haven't seen it and I would rather **** in my own hands and clap than watch it :p
Star Wars: The Last Jedi - 5/10. Some of the fan service was enjoyable, but the rest was a disjointed mess.

It Chapter 2 - 6.5/10. As good as the first, but with too many endings. The adult cast did a decent job.
It (2017)

Quite enjoyed this considering it's not the sort of thing I normally watch. It all got going straight away and didn't really let up until the end. Good performances from all of the young actors as well.

Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker (2019) - 7 / 10

A good sci-fi action adventure movie but still too similar to what has gone before and for a finale, I was expecting it to be more epic.

The story flits between various locations quickly and is often followed by action scenes which means there’s always something to watch and be entertained by, but the plot itself is rather light.

More depth to the locations and characters would have been nice, but there are just enough reveals and new aspects to keep you interested.

The acting, special effects and action scenes are good but not spectacular, and although the iconic music’s still there, the imagery and impact of the struggle wasn’t this time around.
Alligator - 1980

Just had a desire to watch an old, cheap looking, camp, poorly acted and directed creature feature from my childhood. I had to actually google a specific scene to find out the title.

It's pretty terrible in most regards but considering the age and the amount of rip-off's that came out around that time, they do pretty well, good use of real alligator footage using miniatures. And it actually does have one of the best (ie horrible) kills that I can remember, for anyone who has seen or remembers it, the swimming pool scene.
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