What film did you watch last night?

Watched a couple more Ghibli films on Netflix. The world building in these films is so good.

The Castle in the Sky - plot is pretty predictable / cliche but the visuals and execution are wonderful. 8/10

Pom Poko - WTF was that?! Just... WAT!! A good contender for the strangest film I have ever seen. Wonderfully narrated, charming, bemusing... oddly rich. I started off thinking I had picked a complete load of rubbish but it really won me over. 10/10
Salem's Lot. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0079844/

I've never got beyond the early stages of this before for some reason, despite it being the sort of subject matter which appeals quite strongly to me.

Well worth it, though. David Soul and James Mason deliver pretty good performances, so I may check out some of Mason's work as I've not seen many films with him in.

Additionally, I might take a look at the 2017 remake at some point which I believe stars Rob Lowe.

Really? Presumably you don't watch many older movies as James Mason was in loads of them e.g. The Desert Fox and Odd Man Out.

Oh, and whilst I'm being helpful:

We also recently watched this - big screen at the cinema just before the lock down kicked in.

I have to admit we all really enjoyed this. It's a classic tale of self discovery with Ford acting at his usual standards and a CGI dog. The key to this movie (for me) was the gorgeous backdrop of the Yukon. And yes I'm well aware there's a substantial amount of CGI involved there as well! The original movie dates back 23 years and features the late, great Rutger Hauer which itself is based on Jack London's classic 1903 novel!

The Call of the Wild (1972)

Call of the Wild (1935)
Really? Presumably you don't watch many older movies as James Mason was in loads of them e.g. The Desert Fox and Odd Man Out.

I do like to watch older films though I just haven't come across many in my travels which have featured him; now I come to think of it, maybe there was a war film I once saw...but that was a long time ago. Thanks for the suggestions, I'll check them out.

Meh, monster design was crap and un-interesting, every thing that happened was obvious.

Main character can't act for toffee then again it's Kristen Stewart (sparkly vampire lady)

There is no decent back story to anything either and due to this just leaves you not really giving a crap about any character or what happens either way

Requiem for a Dream

Damn, this was good! Hadn't seen it before, but loved it throughout. Need to check out some more Aronofski movies, I see Pi is also on Prime, so might start with that.

Also, I've fallen in love with year-2000 Jennifer Connelly.
Lady and the Tramp - live action remake sacrifices historical accuracy for modern political correctness so wrong. Looked good though. 2/5
Bad Boys for Life - 5/10 - The pieces that we all know are there but that "X-Factor" which made the first film so good and the second film "OK" just doesn't really work that well anymore. Lawrence and Smith still bounce off each other really well (the best bits of the film are just them being them) and Lawrence especially is given some good dramatic work but, for me, the "Old vs New" dynamic of the story with the new young team doesn't create the tension it's trying to and is instead just another "seen it done better" low point. The action is well done but ludicrous, the "orange/blue" colour scheme chosen really starts to grate (colour wheels have a lot to answer for), the story is Meh at best but the comfortable interaction between the two mains kept me laughing at the right parts. As an aside it was nice to see a small bit of follow-through from Bad Boys 2 regarding Lawrence's family life. Not a bad film, not a particularly good film and 2hrs of mindlessly fun for a lockdown etc but I think it probably should be an end for the franchise.
Hotel Transylvania 2 (2015) - 4/10

It’s just as silly as the original and has the cute factor this time around, but it’s nowhere near as funny.

The animation’s good and there are some humorous moments, but the visual gags and modern technology jokes just aren’t funny and the new characters aren’t interesting.

The story’s ok with a good moral message and the finale was good, but overall, it’s a forgettable and mediocre animated movie.
Transformers 5. Well I had to as I'd watched the other 4. :p Turn your brain off for 2 hours sort of film & for kids really who have said toys. 4/10.
Ad Astra,

Utter Nonsense and totally crap

I think the script and the idea was written by a 3 year old...

Love sci-fi and slow burners aswell...But this was just laughable out loud cringe crap nonsense.

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