What film did you watch last night?

Dog Soldiers, good for a laugh in some of the scenes. A sequel was announced but ultimately never made, meant to be a trilogy. :(
Knives out.

little bit like a murder / mystery even with a off the cheek comment about cluedo.

quite enjoyed it although Daniel Craig's accent was a bit suspect
I found Knives Out very mediocre. IMO it's one of those movies where your supposed to think it's amazing simply because it has big names in it. RJ really does think he's the greatest auteur in the history of cinema...very unjustly. But what really dragged me out of the film was the fact that I could see the actors acting. Whenever I can see an actor acting, as opposed to thinking "Wow, that's the [insert character]", I realise that I'm not interested in a movie.

Expected it to be naff, but aside from a few sequences where they cut corners on the CGI it was surprisingly passable in a turn your brain off, jokey, cheesy, monster action movie sort of way.
I've seen more feedback in this thread on Knives Out being about Daniel Craigs accent than the film itself :D

I'll try and get around to it this weekend and comment on Craigs accent myself.
Watched "We Bare Bears: The Movie" with the kids. Now if you have seen the TV show you know how good it is(obligatory "for a kids show" :o) and the movie is basically just a really long show.

Ice Bear like movie - 7/10 :D
Finished watching all the marvel films in chronological order last night

Me and the wife did this recently also.

its great to see how all of the pieces tied together. also its a must to watch all of the end credits scenes as it makes more sense for some of the follow on films.
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