I watched Menace II Society on Netflix since the first time it came out on video around 93 or 94.
It definitely held up well with a sharp script, good performances and a true sense of danger throughout. Larenz Tate as O-Dog a truly underrated performance in just how chillingly careless he acts in it aged just 18. Embodies the reckless stupidity of youthful gangbangers who know nothing better. There were a lot of good crime movies in the 90's so it didn't stand out as much back then, but I really think it still stands up today as a great gangster movie.
Interested to notice I recognised a lot of slang this time round that I didn't register at all back in 94. You can see how culture gets absorbed into the mainstream, especially how much African American slang has permeated via mass use of online that this predates by about a decade.
Also you can see just how much Rockstar North took from this to make GTA San Andreas, it's hugely influential in that regard visually and in terms of storyline.
Still well worth the watch in 2020 and highly topical right now for a film that's almost 30 years old.