What film did you watch last night?

Leon - Story of a young girls who's father abuses her but is wtfpwned one day after hiding some coke. Mathilda meets Leon who is a wtfpwnage assassin and teaches her how to pwn. 8/10

The Crazies - A city is hit with a virus that makes people 'crazy' Bunch of n00bs try and escape the city whilst being chased by the government who are are trying to score BOOM HEADSHOTS 7/10

The Lives of Others - Film about the surveillance of germans whilst the country was divided, anyone who spoke against the GDR would be wtf pwned. However the lead working for the stasi starts to feel empathy for the protagonists. 8/10

Defiance- A film uber Belarus Jewish civilians who are fed up of being killed by the Nazis and decided to live in the woods and try and wtfpwn the Nazis. I found this film very slow...6/10

Tonight I'm going to watch some of Jersey Shore :eek:
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Knight and day.

I wanted to like it but found the storyline quite predictable because the whole story line is given away in the trailer (an annoying mistake by the film industry).

Also I'd have preferred a bit more intelligent action and less /god mode fighting.

I still have a thing for Diaz though, but i'd rather watch the mask for that.
Tonight I'm going to watch some of Jersey Shore :eek:

I actually watched that last night for the first time. I got 3 episodes in and found it annoyingly addictive. But luckily thats when you get the now infamous episode. *tip google it if your version has the crappy blacked out bit cos its soooooo gratifying to watch its awesome*
There Will Be Blood - My second viewing of this film and I still like it. I think its Daniel Day-Lewis' performance that just draws me in, the guy is a legend. IF they ever remade Jaws, he'd be my Quint.
On a random note, has anyone seen 'Black Death', the thing with Sean Bean, that seemed to drift in-and-out of the cinemas rather quietly?
On a random note, has anyone seen 'Black Death', the thing with Sean Bean, that seemed to drift in-and-out of the cinemas rather quietly?

Remember seeing trailors a while ago, didn't even know it had been in cinemas, will be a nice blu-ray purchase me thinks.

I saw "30 days of night" on blu-ray (£7 asda), was ok i suppose.

7/10. It's basically Thelma & Louise with a lot more sex and violence.


8/10. It's basically a toned down Natural Born Killers with better acting. Sheen's great.
Watched Notorious again last night in HD and really enjoyed it again. 2nd time around though did make me want to poke holes in it, as first time around I was full of glee for the old times.
Still 7/10 for me
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