What film did you watch last night?

The Soloist.

I thought it was pretty good - Jamie Foxx and Robert Downey Jr. were both great and it was generally well directed and put together.
Sleeping Beauty on Blu-ray. Yes, yes I know! :o I'm going through Disney's catalogue of classic films on Blu-ray.

Watched No Country For Old Men. Probably the first Coen brothers film that I've seen that I'm aware of. :p
Vicky Christina Barcelona.

Scarlett Johannson in side boob action :eek:

A few chuckles and quite enjoyable but nothing special.
Just watched Daybreakers. Its a really good twist on the quite popular vampire theme of current, however it was good enough that the 2 hour film didn't feel enough for me although it is set up for an equally contrasting and exciting sequal (trying not to spoil it).

Sparkling virgin vampires....no

Intelligent story lines and good visuals...yes

All in all I advise people to watch it!

The Girl with the Dragon Tatto

Amazing / Brilliant.

Noomi Rapace was outstanding :) and had something about her :p
Kung-Fu Hustle. Pretty poor I thought. Was expecting it to be much better than Shaolin Soccer but that was pretty amazing compared to Kung-Fu Hustle. All in all I'm not a Steven Chow fan.
Totally, mind you I do have a soft spot for foreign language cinema.
Imagine La haine set in, say Washington!
NO!! :mad:

Crazy stupid french guys having way too much fun with guns. Wasn't a huge fan of La Haine to be honest.

If you haven't seen The White Ribbon and Hidden (cache) watch them. Other suggestions are Let the right one in (another Swedish film) and of course Amelie. Das Experiment is pretty messed up as well.
That surprises me mate, thought you woulda been a fan.
Loved cache a lot, and I've had the White Ribbon for a while just haven't got around or should I say made time to watch it as I want to give it my full attention. I'm sure it'll live up to the masterpiece status it's given. So many good foreign language films.

If you can get a copy, a great little German/Turkish film called The Edge of Heaven is well worth a watch.
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