What film did you watch last night?

Anything For Her

French film with subtitles, pretty good though some plot holes but guess that adds to the film really.

Yeah, I stumbled across this last night. Was really impressed actually, not often I laugh out loud to a film. And Anna Farris just to top it off:p

Same here - after Top Gear just couldn't be bothered to reach for the remote. Then I saw the name "Anna Farris" pop up on the screen, and thought "ooh, yeah, that'll do!"

There were many moments we were laughing out loud too :)
troy... amazing film. bloom is a **** actor though... :/ way overrated. only film he was good in was kingdom of heaven.

I thought Bloom was awful in Kingdom of Heaven. For me he's only good in LOTR, and that's just because the casting is absolutely perfect: quite camp, cocky, and slight.

Only watched it for around 20 minutes and got bored, other than the girl out of Dawson's Creek looking quite hot it was really rather rubbish hence why I turned it off

Military style - very realistic, lot's of SENSIBLE orders from the OC, no hollywood magazines; pretty gritty.

Gore - not enough, although what there was, was good.

Story - Very good story let down by poor effects and not enough action. I'm all for a suspenseful movie, but this just dragged in places. Was expecting a lot more from a Nazi Zombie movie!

Best quote - Guy from Spaced "You've got to be humming my balls!"

The A team.

Enjoyed it for what it was.

Only slight let down for me, they could have given hanibal more quirk.. even though it's appealing to a newer audience, all hard ass without the "Nice face" quotes with a smile are missed. There were definately one or two moments where that could have happend without ruining the tone.

BA, People have been down on jackson, tbh i thought he was allright, couldn't realy see how you'd improve on the character.

Face, im a devotee of Dirk Benidict in his prime, nothing or nobody could ever replace the guy, a role model for better (or indeed worse) when i was growing up. I had to switch off completely and go with the new... which wasn't bad, just the charm wasn't there, but just as clever though:)

Murdoc, nothing to be said... they got the right guy, the source character was so rich, imposable to fail... and it doesn't:)

Fan of the 80's show, or new to it, it connects, and for what it is, it's a great story tell action film.

Funny thing is, in the theatre last night, young or old... it seemed like absolutely everybody in there knew who the Ateam were, connected with all the throwback and enjoyed it.

Definately where the 80's and the 00's came together... 8/10
Well seeing as I didn't sleep (damn you insomnia) I ended up watching Cried Wolf ( I think thats what it was called ) and Grosse Point Blank....
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