After watching tsunami caught on camera last night its changed my view on disaster films. Watching a man just stare at a giant wave and not attmept to run then get swept away makes you wonder what was going through his mind.
And the fact the new one is only 50% accurate in the title (Karate it is not).Saw the original Katate Kid last night. Didn't realise just how much of a remake the new one is, almost shot for shot. Original still wins out, daniel larousso much better actor, and the fact that they are slightly older, (16 vs 12ish) somehow makes the violence and the flirtations more palatable. Jackie Chan is the only plus for the new version, his fighting scenes as always pretty fun.
Watched it myself and enjoyed it, typical disaster yarn, full of cliche's, nerd scientist wins the day, etc, and he still got of with hilary s**** lol.The Core
Just watched this on TV and I have to admit I have a soft spot for disaster films. Well I did until the recent wave of Day After Tomorrow and 2012 which started taking themselves way too seriously and killed it all to me. This one is one of the old fashioned films that is silly and not scared of admitting it and just goes with that flow till the end. Did trail off in the end though but not bad for a Sunday afternoon.
The A-Team - 8/10
Not a bad action movie although the ending was fairly predictable
FAQ About Time Travel
Really good for a low budget brit-flick! Chris O'Dowd was on top form. As one of the reviews says, 'like Sean of the Dead... but with time travel'I do hope they make a sequel!