What film did you watch last night?

Training Day

Loved it! I'd seen scenes of it before but never actually got round to watching it all.


Tomorrow I'm going to watch The Usual Suspects, watched it years ago but can't remember a thing about it!
Godfather Part 2 (for the first time) and while the first half of it was good, it just faded at the end and ended rather inconclusively. A bit dissapointed, the first is great.

Saw Inception the night before....it was excellent.
yeh, i like the story in Saw films, but the gore just makes me look away lol, same with Hostel.... theres a new film coming out called "The Human Centrepede" (sorry for spelling). And I'll leave it to your imagination (or youtube searching) to work out what sick stuff is going on in that... I couldn't believe this was a real movie coming out soon....
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