Ferris Beuler's Day Off, not seen it in ages but cannot believe it is 24 years old! What else to add, it captured the time perfectly. Also really enjoyed an extra on the disk with interviews from 2005, twenty years after the film, man they look old! 4/5
raiders of the lost ark - 9/10 - no introduction here needed a classic that started it all
indian jones the temple of doom - 6/10 - good enough movie but some of the action scenes just didnt have the excitement that i had with raiders of the lost ark and the 2 actors accompanying harrison ford the whole time were very annoying throughout the movie.
indian jones the last crusade - 8.5/10 really enjoyed this movie total turnaround from the second and sean connery who was indiana jones's father was on top form. very good movie.
I watched There Will Be Blood and was pleasantly surprised. I know it was rated really well generally, but my girlfriend went to see it with some of her friends (some of who are really into their films) and they all hated it. Thought it was too long, drawn out and boring. But I really liked it.
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