What film did you watch last night?

"I live in the American Gardens Building on W. 81st Street on the 11th floor. My name is Patrick Bateman. I'm 27 years old. I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine. In the morning if my face is a little puffy I'll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturiser, then an anti-ageing eye balm followed by a final moisturising protective lotion." Patrick Bateman

Not seen it in ages so decided to bang it on last night! Not as good as the book but still cool!
300 - 6 out of 10. One trick pony, and I swear it would have been about 20 minutes long if it wasn't all in slow motion. The "comic book as film" thing didn't work nearly as well as with Sin City. Sin City had more slow scenes, so you could have the shots that look identical to the books without having to slow everything down in the same.

Still, it passed the time.
Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels on ITV2+1. Cracking film, never gets old.
Never realized Rob Brydon was in it until last night either!.
Salt, thought this was an amazing film once yet get past some of the stunts :) I cant usually get in to films like these but I really enjoyed this.
Braindead (aka Dead Alive)

One of Peter Jackson's early films, in which a guy's mum gets bitten by a Simian Rat Monkey, and hilarity (and plenty of gore) ensues.

I saw it with my GF, who has never seen it before, and it was hilarious watching her squirm at all of the "gore" (albeit done in a very comedic way).

Also - one of the most badass priests in a film "Stand back boy, this calls for divine intervention... I kick ass for the Lord!" and the best use of a petrol lawnmower.... ever!
Dead mans shoes (2004) 4/10

some brit flick about some guy who kills members of a gang. its an english film so typically it was always going to be worse than the average american film. and it was.

a lot of the actions of the cast seemed particularly unrealistic and the story only partially made sense but ah well. at least i didnt buy the dvd my housemate did:/
Dead mans shoes (2004) 4/10

some brit flick about some guy who kills members of a gang. its an english film so typically it was always going to be worse than the average american film. and it was.

a lot of the actions of the cast seemed particularly unrealistic and the story only partially made sense but ah well. at least i didnt buy the dvd my housemate did:/

Dead mans shoe's is a fantastic film.







Thousands of others agree,

Paddy Considine is amazing in it.

The story is superb.

The mere fact you didn't get it and try to compare it to american film speaks volumes. :p

Its one British film every film fan should have in his collection.
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thats what i heard but it was so jarringly unrealistic and lame i couldnt get into it without constantly thinking, 'lame' or 'wow that would never happen' or 'damn why didnt they just do that'

im guessing the writer has never encountered drug dealers or gang members in real life and gave a very poor adaptation of how they would react in these situations.

how do you know i didnt get it? what didnt i get?

as for some of the IMDB reviews:

I think that the script, acting, cinematography, direction, editing and soundtrack are all brilliant. This film is on a limited cinema release, but search it out; it will take you on a hell of a journey.

script was that bad i thought they were ad-libbing for a large part of it. cinematography? hm. direction? not the best ive ever seen.

journey? er not really.
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thats what i heard but it was so jarringly unrealistic and lame i couldnt get into it without constantly thinking, 'lame' or 'wow that would never happen' or 'damn why didnt they just do that'


im guessing the writer has never encountered drug dealers or gang members in real life and gave a very poor adaptation of how they would react in these situations.


how do you know i didnt get it? what didnt i get?

You said it partially made sense? Which bits didn't make sense?

script was that bad i thought they were ad-libbing for a large part of it. cinematography? hm. direction? not the best ive ever seen.

journey? er not really.

Many films ad-lib:confused:
thats what i heard but it was so jarringly unrealistic and lame i couldnt get into it without constantly thinking, 'lame' or 'wow that would never happen' or 'damn why didnt they just do that'

im guessing the writer has never encountered drug dealers or gang members in real life and gave a very poor adaptation of how they would react in these situations.

how do you know i didnt get it? what didnt i get?

I think that made the drug dealers more realistic, that they were like ****heads trying to be hardcases. Certainly more realistic than say vinny jones & ray winstone stepping out of a jag in slow motion calling everybody a **** ... ?
Watched The Losers last night. It's alright. 5/10 Nothing special...

i know what im watching through out the weekend with my little lad. Ice Age Trilogy BluRay... :D

so, they know he has been into their house and trashed stuff.. there are 6 of them in a car, they drive past him. stop and just threaten him and then leave him?

i mean even small time crims would just all get out and lamp him and throw him into a river. problem solved right there and then.


like when the dude gets the sniper rifle and shoots his own mate.

once u get the the point that someone has already killed your crim member and then u shoot your mate instead of the 'bad guy' why not reload and then shoot him too? i was screaming at the screen - JUST RELOAD AND SHOOT HIM WHAT ARE U WAITING FOR?

why walk home crying? you know u have to deal with the problem. u have him right in front of u JUST DO IT MAN! sure you can say they were a bit shook up because he hit his own man. but if u leave that dude alive and just drive off? then what was the point in making the journey in the first place?!

it was just farcical. leaving their mates body with the bad guy with the money... so he was a witness and leave the proof DUH!¬?

and who owned the farm? were they not concerned about shooting on their land? bonfire on their land?

Many films ad-lib

they sounded like the flaming chuckle brothers sat around in some house when the dude from the pub took a stash around to his buddies house? i was like, i can see your trying to make this sound like real speach, not a script but damn this is so lame its untrue. i could have written better comments than they were making, and i dont profess to be a script writer.

and i dont know if u ever saw the Raul Moat thingy? as soon as there is a HINT of a gun or murder in the UK the police are ALL over it. yet not once was there a police siren or presence hinted at in the film. you could say thats because no one reported the bodies but its not like that in the UK.

it didnt make sense because the character fundamentals were just wrong. the reactions and inactions were so out of place it was like they ignored how people actually act.

if they were willing to torture his brother and get a gun and kill someone u have to think they have more cajones than sitting having a turd in the same room as one guy has a bath...
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