What film did you watch last night?

Salt - 5/10 - decent story line but the over the top stunts along with the fact angelina cant actually run and has no physical presence. Worth a watch if your bored.
Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels on ITV2+1. Cracking film, never gets old.
Never realized Rob Brydon was in it until last night either!.

Same, he's the traffic warden isn't he? To be fair he wasn't really well known then. I only know him these days for occasionally appearing on QI.
The Expendables - Typical switch your brain off action film, no real attempt at a story line, some 'witty' one-liners, pretty poor acting and some nice fight scenes.

6/10 and that's just because it made me giggle in places which I won't reveal as I don't want to spoil it.

Considering watching Dead Man's Shoes next as it seems to have a provoked a debate (which I have purposely not read).
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Terminator Salvation - having been away on my travels when this came out I finally rented it out. Not bad for an action film based in the Terminator world. Was expecting a lot more fight scenes and struggles against the machines so hopefully that will be in T5 ???!??? Arnie has aged well hahaha worth a watch but not a patch on 1 and 2.

Hes Just Not that into you. I don't know why but I kind of enjoyed it. Better than I expected anyway but I tend not to tell people that I watch the odd chick flick movie hah
Dennis the Menace (1993) - 7/10
Not sure why I enjoy this film, it's always just been one of those films that can raise a smile.
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