What film did you watch last night?

Watched this last night, so I can comment now.

so, they know he has been into their house and trashed stuff.. there are 6 of them in a car, they drive past him. stop and just threaten him and then leave him?

i mean even small time crims would just all get out and lamp him and throw him into a river. problem solved right there and then.

None of them really looked like the fighting sort, they all came accross as cowards. Plus, it's a film, the good guy always beats up the gang of baddies! For all they knew he could have been concealing a weapon to pwn them all with.

like when the dude gets the sniper rifle and shoots his own mate.

once u get the the point that someone has already killed your crim member and then u shoot your mate instead of the 'bad guy' why not reload and then shoot him too? i was screaming at the screen - JUST RELOAD AND SHOOT HIM WHAT ARE U WAITING FOR?

I did think this, but maybe he only had one bullet? The shock of just shooting his mate probably wouldn't have helped, he would have been shaking.

why walk home crying? you know u have to deal with the problem. u have him right in front of u JUST DO IT MAN! sure you can say they were a bit shook up because he hit his own man. but if u leave that dude alive and just drive off? then what was the point in making the journey in the first place?!

it was just farcical. leaving their mates body with the bad guy with the money... so he was a witness and leave the proof DUH!¬?

and who owned the farm? were they not concerned about shooting on their land? bonfire on their land?

they sounded like the flaming chuckle brothers sat around in some house when the dude from the pub took a stash around to his buddies house? i was like, i can see your trying to make this sound like real speach, not a script but damn this is so lame its untrue. i could have written better comments than they were making, and i dont profess to be a script writer.

and i dont know if u ever saw the Raul Moat thingy? as soon as there is a HINT of a gun or murder in the UK the police are ALL over it. yet not once was there a police siren or presence hinted at in the film. you could say thats because no one reported the bodies but its not like that in the UK.

You could apply the same logic to almost all films.

it didnt make sense because the character fundamentals were just wrong. the reactions and inactions were so out of place it was like they ignored how people actually act.

if they were willing to torture his brother and get a gun and kill someone u have to think they have more cajones than sitting having a turd in the same room as one guy has a bath...

I thought they were trying to show that they were obviously weak and insecure so hid behind the gun, without it they had to stick together, especially after the 1st bloke got killed on his own.

Overall I thought it was an alright film, nothing special really, just a bloke going on a killing spree.
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Reservoir dogs :)

saw that years and years ago was really excited about watching it and was so disappointed. It was so boring. i wanted to switch it off but kept thinking *it'll probably get better soon*.. definately one of the most disappointing movies ive ever seen
My rating: 8/10

Kevin Spacey puts on an excellent show 'pretending' to be someone/thing else.
A very intriguing and enigmatic film, and very enjoyable. No real special effects or CGI. Just pure story and dialogue. Highly recommended.

Absolutely outstanding. Brilliant, imaginative storytelling. Absolutely stunning landscapes.

It only loses marks because I thought the talking dogs could have been done a bit better, but honestly that's me being really picky.
Toy Story - 10/10
First time I watched the original in years! Still think it's one of the best animated films ever released.

Toy Story 2 - 7/10
I just never really got in to this one. The basic concept is fine but apart from the bit in the mall and the airport it's relatively uneventful.
Went and saw The Expendables. My God, what an amazing film! Great fun! Awfully written right enough, but that's what you expect. I loved it.

And I got in for free :D.
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Casino Royale 2004 or whenever. 6.75/10

it was an OK film. not good enough to be a truly great and not enough bond to be a truly great bond film.

its as though they knew there was an established formula, bond takes case, makes a chase, gets the girl, defeats bad guy.

except in this one they thought, 'okay if we get rid of the chase seen at the beginning thats gonna save us doing it in cars later on.' which it did and was very spectacular too. but still there was plenty if time and scope for another with a DBS sat in his car parking space. but alas it wasnae to happen the just rolls it instead.

then, the Poker... whey to take all the tension out of a poker game. ive seen better displays of drama at fulltilt.com. and yes the average player might not understant poker but did they need a running narrative by tweedledee and tweedle dum (that guy and bonds girl) - 'oh look, he has placed a bet, he must know what the bad guys tell is!' -(me..) 'no wai!'

the final hand was not that tense, no beads of sweat. they didnt even show what got dealt or how they got to the final call really just that they did both have cards and that it was time to go alles in. which seemed to demean the whole point of it being a casino based bond a little bit.

and who reraises a reraise? (how bond lost his stack initially?) but anyhoo.
Gamer - 6/10

Kinda Running Man meats Death Race.

Not as violent as I thought it may be, kinda ropey story line, but enjoyable for 90 minutes

Transformers 2 - 8/10

Megan Fox, 'nuf said :D
Had a cinema-fest yesterday and went to see:

Knight & Day - decent action flick albeit a bit predictable - 7/10
Toy Story 3 - enjoyable but not as good as the other two - 7/10
Salt - cracking action, thoroughly enjoyed!! - 9/10

Harry Potter 6. 8/10

I saw it for the second time last night - mainly because I accidentally started watching the first one a couple of days ago. Suprisingly it was actually really quite enjoyable in a very strange kind of way
Harry Potter 6. 8/10

I saw it for the second time last night - mainly because I accidentally started watching the first one a couple of days ago. Suprisingly it was actually really quite enjoyable in a very strange kind of way

Harry Potter is such a guilty pleasure, do love the films :)
The Expendables - 9/10

Story is simple, action is fast and furious and it's fully of comedy. Good lad's movie.
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