Thor: Love and Thunder - 3/10 - I was a big fan of Thor and thought his first two films, which dealt with 'is he worthy' (Thor 1) and how he copes with loss (Thor 2), gave a good character arc. However I felt Ragnorak, despite its popularity, started the "laugh at Thor" phase in the MCU and I didn't think the character deserved that, so I was already very apprehensive about this film which I already knew took that "Thor is a joke" idea and ramped it upto 11. It took me two attempts to watch this it was that poor of a film (outside of Thor/MCU etc) and I've decided that as much as the directors humour has some good outlets in his other projects, it just doesn't work for me in this MCU setting. I found the script to be very poorly done, full of "stupid" moments which are only there to be "stupid" and add nothing other than (depending on your sense of humour) a good/bad joke. Bale was OK but very wasted, the three hero leads/actors felt like they had no passion for the project, the CGI was very hit & miss but when it was good it looked fantastic, the Goats were amusing 10 years ago when they were a meme but did nothing for me decade later and the humour (style and sheer amount) just didn't seem funny.
I know that as a middle aged man this film isn't really aimed at me or my generation anymore so I'm more than happy to let the next generation of MCU sail on without me whilst I stick with Iron Man 1 to End Game as "My MCU" and I hope to see each new MCU film making more and more money from all the new fans they're gaining from Phase 4 as the older fans leave.