Wow. A cracking, clever, ride of a movie; brilliant in concept and execution. A clever premise is thoroughly explored with a range of excellently drawn characters and superb acting performances. I can see how some people might have bounced off it hard, it's a complex mix of spy movie and sci fi, but I thought that was both refreshing and brilliantly executed. Figuring out what is going on is half the fun. I'm also not sure why there were so many complaints about the dialogue being inaudible, there were really only a couple of scenes were it wasn't clear. I dunno, maybe the audio was different in Cinema to Netflix. Despite it's length (2 and a half hours) I was thoroughly engaged from start to end and it's the kind of movie you'll be thinking about for days afterwards.
9/10 Hard recommend.
My problem with that film is that its presentation to the audience is unnecessarily obtuse and pretentious. There is no need for it to leave major plot developments to fast moving or threadbare conversation. It would have been better if it took the audience along with it.
As it is, it suffers. Like a genius that acts like a jerk, it’s difficult to truly warm to.