What film did you watch last night?


It was decent enough. After watching it I felt like I hadn't watched a Predator film though. Predator's behaviour didn't seem right to me and could easily have been substituted with something else.

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Glass Onion.
Lot of hype about it, thought it would be more comedic but it wasn't , still good though. Didn't see Craig as bond at all, hope they make a little series out of this character.
Just a nice change of speed from sci-fi and horror movies.

The Fog (John Carpenter 80s horror)

Sailor ghosts underwhelmingly come out of fog to seek revenge. Played straight with little tension, no stakes and disappointingly few special effects. Pretty dreadful. The concept is better than the execution.

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The Last Jedi which was just as bad as the first time watched it. Nonsense plot lines with made up physics and disregard of lore. Bombs Falling down without gravity in space to ships going light speed to smash into targets without any regard to deflector shields etc. Luke totally wasted after waiting 20 plus years who didn't give up on Vader but gave up on Ben in 2 secs and his only answer was to murder him lol. Leia being more powerful than Luke without any training whatsoever which was a theme with Rey. Film was shot well but everything else was utter trash. One good point was the fight scene in the Throne room but that's about it.
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I work my way through these every few years, it’s my favourite series of films - has a bit of everything, great characters.

The original is so good. The dialogue is toe-curlingly awkward at times and funny, both intentionally. Just a bunch of nobodies trying to do their best in life. Pretty emotional in places too.

I definitely recommend watching with subtitles as there is so much minor dialogue I noticed for the first time, like Rocky being jeered after his first fight as being a “bum”.


I work my way through these every few years, it’s my favourite series of films - has a bit of everything, great characters.

The original is so good. The dialogue is toe-curlingly awkward at times and funny, both intentionally. Just a bunch of nobodies trying to do their best in life. Pretty emotional in places too.

I definitely recommend watching with subtitles as there is so much minor dialogue I noticed for the first time, like Rocky being jeered after his first fight as being a “bum”.


I did a run through of the movies about 10 years ago. There's a lot of hate for number 5 but as a family drama it's quite underrated
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