What film did you watch last night?

M3gan over the weekend, a good fun horror romp - glad they played it more on the comedic side, if it had been completely straight, it would have got boring quickly.

Hints of GLaDOS in the voice here and there which was nice fan service for Portal fans, albeit a predictable signposted yet enjoyable story and the right length it doesn't feel drawn out.

I did a run through of the movies about 10 years ago. There's a lot of hate for number 5 but as a family drama it's quite underrated

Yup I think people expected more along the lines of the ‘Rocky 3 and 4 progression’ (big macho action) and its rep was earned against that expectation.
The Fog (John Carpenter 80s horror)

Sailor ghosts underwhelmingly come out of fog to seek revenge. Played straight with little tension, no stakes and disappointingly few special effects. Pretty dreadful. The concept is better than the execution.

this scared the absolute crap out of me when i saw it as a kid.
Watched it gain a couple of years ago and yeah, its not quite the masterpiece i thought it was.
this scared the absolute crap out of me when i saw it as a kid.
Watched it gain a couple of years ago and yeah, its not quite the masterpiece i thought it was.

It’s kind of cool how children can use their imagination to patch over the cracks.

As it is, everything is like a Goosebumps book with the ‘unknown’ and anticipation that generates fear (as with adults but with no ‘experience’). I can see it being riveting from that perspective. But as an adult, it’s all such a cliche - with laughable ‘glowing lights behind fog’ obscuring an the occasional stiff mannequin shoving its hand through a window… :o

The very best section is the first 10 minutes / with the ghost story and the spooky happenings in the town. After that it’s a chore. It never really gets going.

I actually edited my post to reduce the score from 6 to 5 :o :p
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Totally fair, as seen throughout this thread and each to their own.

Genuine curiosity, do you automatically approach a British movie expecting it to not be any good then?

they often suffer from lack of funding in my opinion, limiting sets, locations and what they can do.

it can really show sometimes, using the same few small indoor sets over and over. Bouncing between them and with very few extras.

but we are capable of making some of the best movies in the world
they often suffer from lack of funding in my opinion, limiting sets, locations and what they can do.

it can really show sometimes, using the same few small indoor sets over and over. Bouncing between them and with very few extras.

but we are capable of making some of the best movies in the world
The same small sets and few extras doesn't mean low budget. That could be by design and part of the plot or story. Focusing on a few main characters. I've seen many films where there is only 1 or 2 locations and a small core cast.

But I've also seen many British films that are fantastic and clearly made a brilliant film without big budgets. Sometimes spending more money is no good especially if the story and script are rubbish already.
Continuing my Paul Thomas Anderson theme we've been on recently we rewatched There will be Blood on Saturday. One of my favourite films and gets better with age. 10/10
Watched Phantom Thread a few weeks back. Considering the main character's profession holds no interest for me, I still found the film engaging and enjoyable.

Haven't seen There Will be Blood since it's original release, but it's on my Plex server's watchlist.
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