What film did you watch last night?

Triangle of sadness wtf/10

The Oscar nominated films continue..

Honestly... I don't know what to say. I'm fascinated and bewildered and literally just wondering what I just watched... 3 distinct acts and some of the oddest comedy and characters I've seen in a very long time.
Watch it with a very open mind and I think it's enjoyable? I don't even know lol.
Triangle of sadness wtf/10

The Oscar nominated films continue..

Honestly... I don't know what to say. I'm fascinated and bewildered and literally just wondering what I just watched... 3 distinct acts and some of the oddest comedy and characters I've seen in a very long time.
Watch it with a very open mind and I think it's enjoyable? I don't even know lol.
It was *****, you can say it :D
I watched Interstellar for maybe the 4th time now since it came out. Each watch I suss something new from it, especially the last half, the science and physics behind it all. Whilst around release time people were blowing their minds with confusion on why the last 15mins was so "out there" and crazy, the concept isn't that far from scientific theory of a civilisation that is high up in the Kardashev scale, as in they need to somehow communicate with mere humans of the 21st century, but they are not physical beings any more, they were once humans in physical form, but as Cooper alludes to in the movie to Case, we are them because the construct inside Gargantia was built by them to bridge the timelines through gravity waves - Which for reasons unknown, can pass through all 5 dimensions and allow communication.

The connection between Murph and Cooper was so strong that "they" saw this in the timeline and saw that these two were the only ones capable of understanding the message.

Still an 8 or 9/10 movie, everything from music score to cinematics just perfect still.
I watched Interstellar for maybe the 4th time now since it came out. Each watch I suss something new from it, especially the last half, the science and physics behind it all. Whilst around release time people were blowing their minds with confusion on why the last 15mins was so "out there" and crazy, the concept isn't that far from scientific theory of a civilisation that is high up in the Kardashev scale, as in they need to somehow communicate with mere humans of the 21st century, but they are not physical beings any more, they were once humans in physical form, but as Cooper alludes to in the movie to Case, we are them because the construct inside Gargantia was built by them to bridge the timelines through gravity waves - Which for reasons unknown, can pass through all 5 dimensions and allow communication.

The connection between Murph and Cooper was so strong that "they" saw this in the timeline and saw that these two were the only ones capable of understanding the message.

Still an 8 or 9/10 movie, everything from music score to cinematics just perfect still.
I have a friend who moans that Nolan made this movie needlessly complicated but raves about Dark :D

It's a fantastic movie - the real standout being the music, often listen to it in isolation and certain parts can leave me a teary mess - some of Zimmers best work.
Dark had me scratching my head sometimes, and I am one of those people that loves timeline paradoxes both in science fiction and actual science!
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Incredible performance by Cate Blanchett. Bit of a weird choice of ending though - both the actual ending scene shot itself, and the jarring electronic music during the credits. The movie itself is a bit of a slow burn - I could see it being a bit Marmite.

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Incredible performance by Cate Blanchett. Bit of a weird choice of ending though - both the actual ending scene itself, and the jarring electronic music during the credits. The movie itself is a bit of a slow burn - I could see it being a bit Marmite.


Looking forward to seeing this as I missed it in the cinema
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